even small indie projects are hugely expensive ventures. he can't offer the first - even the most successful crowdfunding campaigns can barely cover a single indie game, let alone a publishing company - and he can merely offer his own platform and credibility for the second. i think dunkey wants to promote whatever lands on his inbox and get a cut, really. which is weird because he mentioned he already has a lot of spam requests to plug their indie games? so he expects to suddenly find something good now that he's a publishing company? i dunno, the world wonders.
this is what game devs are missing. idea guys with 0 insight into game development in general.
What they're missing is money and marketing. That's what a publisher is for.
even small indie projects are hugely expensive ventures. he can't offer the first - even the most successful crowdfunding campaigns can barely cover a single indie game, let alone a publishing company - and he can merely offer his own platform and credibility for the second. i think dunkey wants to promote whatever lands on his inbox and get a cut, really. which is weird because he mentioned he already has a lot of spam requests to plug their indie games? so he expects to suddenly find something good now that he's a publishing company? i dunno, the world wonders.
Yeah I have no idea what he brings to the table other than a subscriber count, but I want him to succeed because he makes funny videos
Yeah I mean no ill-will to the guy, it's just snark, but I can see why would anyone, especially a developer, would be a bit leery.