Stupid asses.

I forever love my trans comrades btw :07: literally braver than the troops.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    2 years ago

    A decade or so ago nobody in the mainstream was talking about trans issues and chuds spent their time being homophobic, going on about the sanctity of marriage. It didn't really work out for them and although there's still lots of homophobia around, being gay became more normalised in the mainstream and gay people gained more rights in many places.

    So the chuds needed a new class of people to attack and terrorise and trans people were next in line. It was an easy switch in focus for them as the reason they hate trans people is essentially the same that they hate gay people, ie. both groups are seen as giving up their male privilege, thereby undermining patriarchy. And from the fascist point of view trans people were an easier enemy as there are fewer of them than there are gay people and as the mainstream is far less aware, let alone accepting, of them as they were of gay people.

    I really hope that the upsurge in transphobia we see is one of those "the night is darkest just before dawn"-type situations. There is a social and cultural current towards normalisation of LGBT people and fascists are fighting to stem the tide. Trans people has become much more visible and confident and younger generations seems to be less weird about LGBT issues in general than they were a couple of decades ago. It is not impossible that ten or twenty years from now being openly transphobic will get you labelled as a cranky old asshole by normies.

    The near future seems dangerous however, especially in the US where the fascist regime is using transphobia and legal persecution of trans people to give the hogs some minority to blame for societal ills. It has the potential to get really nasty before it gets better.

    I love my trans comrades :cat-trans: