Worried I’ll lose a lot of energy though.

Edit: should’ve written that I meant “intermittent fasting”

My bad 😞

  • hahafuck [they/them]
    2 years ago

    A bit of both I guess. I think if you are against IF as a method for health reasons, then sure, but you should suggest a better alternative if you wanna be at all constructive. And if you said some shit like "I ran 20 miles a day. Anyone can lose weight without calorie control tricks" it would massively discredit your original point

    • HoChiMaxh [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I just saw the edit from OP - I have no problem with people using intermittent fasting I'm not even sure that's unhealthy honestly. I thought we were talking about just not eating for like, days.

      But if you're actually asking for advice on how I lost weight most people will tell you you can't really do it by burning calories (though it can help it's pretty marginal). I counted calories, which meant very strict with treats. Lots of fruit, vegetables and nuts. Smoothies as meal replacements regularly. Popcorn as a treat when I needed one. Allowed one ridiculous treat a week (like a cinnamon bun or something). Reduced alcohol consumption pretty significantly. I did run, more every week. Eventually I did work towards about a 15km run about once a week, which worked out to be almost one day's calories. I hate running but it really is the most time-efficient way to burn calories.

      • hahafuck [they/them]
        2 years ago

        I think if you got up to running 15km a week I bet you "hate" running but secretly you enjoy it, a common relationship with running

        Edit: because it sucks but is also very fun

        • HoChiMaxh [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Haha no I have always hated running I have no secrets about it running sucks