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  • captchaintherye [any]
    4 years ago

    I’m not a VBNMH at all, but this is a stupid take. How is Trump better than Biden on this issue?

    I think it's misleading to frame this as "Trump is better" because that implies anything Trump is doing is good.

    Trump isn't good, but we're comparing two flavors of toxic waste here. Trump does like 85% of what the military industrial complex wants, then his brain cells, corroded from 70 years of Carl's Jr. and Wendy's, misfire and he does something counterproductive to their interests, like meet with Kim, or threaten to pull out of Afghanistan by Monday, or suggest in a tweet something everybody knows and can't say, that the military is run by war profiteers.

    So no, Trump isn't good, but that 15% where he says things on a whim while shitting out White Castle on the crapper at 3AM, separates him from Biden, who will just be sealed up into a sarcophagus on January 21, 2021 after taking the oath, never say or do anything again except PR appearances when they prop him up in front of a camera, and give way to let John Bolton et al. take over and coup and drone everything that moves.

    Yes, it is sad that our two choices for president are "war criminal who is really bad at being a war criminal but still kills hundreds of thousands of people", vs. "senile war criminal who knows he is senile and will step out of the way for competent war criminals to loot the planet". It sucks, but that's the decision, and we should look at it critically