Reading about Jack the Ripper, and one of the favorite suspects is Walter Sickert because he’s a painter who became associated with JTR. A painter-serial killer is a pretty grim combo, but I believe the theory was introduced in the late 70s and discredited.

But it got me thinking how you could live a seemingly normal life, maybe even be a random witness to a crime. But then some hack 100 years later will comb through the files and see if your name was ever the main subject, and if not, suddenly they got 500 pages dedicated to your life and shady behavior. Then it reaches the NYT Best Seller.

Investigators and researchers may dismiss it or even acquit you if the author is convincing enough. But still. Imagine your only legacy is showing up in the search results of murder or terrorist suspects.

  • Egon [they/them]
    5 months ago

    On the other hand you can take this as an opportunity to be the greatest troll enigma.
    I try to associate myself with the periphery of as many brutal murders and serial killers as possible. I made sure to date Jon Benet Ramsey's grand-aunt, I babysat Madeleine McCanns old classmate, I ate a burger at a diner near where the corpse of the I-70 strangler dumped a corpse, I visited London, I looked at a picture of the baltimore bridge before it collapsed, I borrowed a bullet to Bernie Sanders a few days before that JFK thing, I talked to Ted Cruz' dad, I walked past OJs house, I gave Xanax to Casey Anthony.

    Some day some podcaster is gonna go insane from learning about me

    • Tabitha ☢️[she/her]
      5 months ago

      how are you going to accomplish all these coincidences involving brutal murders and serial killers before they are caught without getting brutally murdered and serial killed without also intentionally creating brutal murders and serial killers?

      • Egon [they/them]
        5 months ago

        "Going to?" Do you seriously think i would explain my masterstroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting the outcome?

        I did it 35 minutes ago

    • CthulhusIntern [he/him]
      5 months ago

      Get as many photos of you sitting in an ominous-looking chair with a persian cat on your lap, clasping your hands together as possible, so True Crime podcasters think you're the Big Bad, the ringleader behind every single serial killer at the time.