I don't care if you literally only know genres/songs or are motherfucking music majors, comment some general or specific constraints for a potential song (e.g. genre, instruments, form, progression, key, tempo, time sig, chords, mode, whatever) and if I end up making it I'll DM you the finished product.
I just really need some launching pads, option paralysis is hitting again :deeper-sadness:
interesting challenge given the fact that I basically just do instrumentals. I'll find a way :joker-troll:
I was literally listening to Amusement Park as I clicked the link what the fuck :what-the-hell:
brain hacked
Make a track, but the constraint is that it has to be good.
Energetic electronic dance song where the main instrument is a hurdy-gurdy.
You must use the Mixolydian mode of a non-vowel scale with at least one use of the neapolitan chord and at least one transposing instrumment
Try using 5/4.
I have a really limited knowledge of music theory but I sure as hell know when that measure shows up. Idk might be cool.
This one is more vibes based, but something you'd hear in the background of a havana bar during a rainy night.
Most of the music ive written and released has been a "what would i hear in this scenario?" But it mostly comes down to "what if a punk band ran into a new orleans brass band". Doing brass instument notation hurts my brain.
You're allowed only one virtual instrument, and the rest has to be audio tracks.
Stoner metal mixed with synth wave in 4/4
Jungle mixed with anarcho-punk in 6/8
Ring-modulated keyboard leads in a Dmin progression that loop and evolve with other instruments coming in