I never thought I'd figure out a way to say that in under 160 characters.

Pantone <noun> [usually as modifier] <trademark> A system for matching colors, used in specifying printing inks: Pantone colors. Etymology: 1960s an invented name.


  • asustamepanteon [comrade/them, he/him]
    2 years ago

    Mediocre poet: For you, my love, I give you the sky so blue.


    • Mardoniush [she/her]
      2 years ago

      It's kind of horrifying that copyright went from "I would like to be able to eat using the labour I produce, and not have some rich asshole just copy down the first performance and put on a much more lavish production next door" to "Your Genes are mine now!"

  • Shoegazer [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Some people truly deserve a special package in the mail

  • culpritus [any]
    2 years ago

    GIMP stays winning!


    did a bit of searching and found some info about an open colour standard that was being worked on as an alternative to Pantone

    unfortunately most of the links seem to be broken at this time, which really makes me wonder how much money Pantone spent to keep an alternate standard from being created


    also this got me thinking about the film Pleasantville


    • TrudeauCastroson [he/him]
      2 years ago

      That open color standard went nowhere looks like, since I looked up the creator's mastodon and twitter and couldn't find mention of it. And the website had no updates since 2011, saying that there will be updates soon.

      The creator of the project has some papers on their attempt at this project

      The problem with these non-open industry standards, you need a lot of sway to get people to use it. Plus looks like the creator of that project is a graphic designer, not someone who has a big dent of printing marketshare.

      Reminds me of how everything uses HDMI, and the group of companies that designed HDMI get a cut. Displayport is open, but many companies that make money off HDMI also make money off of TVs, so why would they make TVs letting you get away from their own standard?

  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    r/technology thread

    ErroneousFunk comments on You're Going To Have To Pay To Use Some Fancy Colors In Photoshop Now | Due to a change in how Adobe licenses Pantone colors, old PSD files could start being filled in black

    In all seriousness, if you'd used "#0484fd" that would be just fine. The issue is that some files have something like "Pantone Azure 123" instead of "#0484fd" and Photoshop has lost the ability to make that mapping to the corresponding RGB color.

    If you've never worked with Pantone in spot colors (https://www.shutterstock.com/blog/spot-colors-photoshop) you'll be just fine.

    On a side note, even though a Pantone color might "correspond" to a specific RGB color, they're not exactly equivalent. Pantone colors indicate specific mixture of ink, not light from a computer screen.

    Ah! That answers the question I was going to ask, "Why use Pantone colors when you can use RGB colors to display literally any color the monitor is capable of displaying."

      • alcoholicorn [comrade/them, doe/deer]
        2 years ago

        R' = R/255

        G' = G/255

        B' = B/255

        K = 1-max(R', G', B')

        C = (1-R'-K) / (1-K)

        M = (1-G'-K) / (1-K)

        Y = (1-B'-K) / (1-K)

        So in CMKY that's #0454FE

        Photoshop and most software that has to print stuff can convert between CMYK and RGB without issue

        • Multihedra [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Those are cool conversion formulas, I should definitely look more into that stuff.

          I can’t tell if it’s just linear scaling, or if there’s some fancier stuff (linear fractional (ax+b)/(cx+d) type things). Thinking it’s just linear

      • Owl [he/him]
        2 years ago

        CMYK is like the equivalent of RGB for print. Two RGB colors might look different on different monitors depending on calibration and shit, two CMYK colors might look different coming out of different printers depending on even more details than that. Also neither of these standards can cover all the colors that exist, and some can more (Pantone covers more than CMYK, and also metallics and some nonsense like that).

        Pantone sells swatch books and a standard for commercial printing systems, and promises that if you use Pantone Dogshit Purple #47 then send it to any commercial printer using their system, the result will look exactly the same as the Pantone Dogshit Purple #47 swatch from the swatch book.

        It's a valuable service for people who routinely send stuff to print. But there's no point in using Pantone if you don't have a corresponding swatch book, which they already charge through the nose for.

        • drhead [he/him]
          2 years ago

          But there’s no point in using Pantone if you don’t have a corresponding swatch book, which they already charge through the nose for.

          Oh, it gets better, though. Paper ages and discolors. So your expensive Pantone books effectively have a one year shelf life, before paper discoloration means you can no longer trust it.

          • OgdenTO [he/him]
            2 years ago

            Smdh my dick head, subscription books with built in lifetime

        • jkfjfhkdfgdfb [she/her]
          2 years ago

          It’s a valuable service for people who routinely send stuff to print.

          who also need colors to be EXACTLY IDENTICAL beyond what anyone would reasonably notice, apparently

          seems crazy to me tbh

          • Owl [he/him]
            2 years ago

            A lot of this comes from an era where printers were even more dogshit, so your colors can be quite a bit farther off than you might expect. I still see it some in board games, where the colors on the manual and board don't quite match up, sometimes enough to be kind of confusing.

            But printers these days are aware that you're designing your stuff on a computer in RGB, and can make a pretty good guess as to what color you actually meant, so it's nowhere near as bad as it was in the 90s.

        • SoyViking [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Isn't the point of Pantone also that the colour is the same across media? A flyer printed with Pantone Dogshit Purple #47 will be the same colour as a plastic widget moulded from Pantone Dogshit Purple #47 plastic or a bucket of Pantone Dogshit Purple #47 paint?

          • Owl [he/him]
            2 years ago

            I didn't actually know they covered plastics! That is somewhat more useful.

            I know it's used by people who only do print media though, without trying to match multiple formats. It's still how you make sure your flyer looks exactly like you specified.

      • TornadoThompson [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        CMYK is for colour separations when printing and to make it simpler to mix colours to make another colour - like dark red will be made from a duotone of black K and magenta M. Dark blue can be black and cyan. Newspapers use it - if you notice on some pages have solid blocks of colours down one side of a page, those are the CMYK registration.

        It is a very good way of saving money - if you push out a thousand ads using only two inks instead of three or four, you don't spend as much on printing costs. In the old days, when I started design work, if the job was CMYK - and they almost always were - the printers would ask for separations for each CMYK value, then when they print they printed each one on top of each other to make the final production. Of course you lose some colour vibrancy, but the skill is getting the mix right and as close to the original as possible.

        Now I work in architecture I have to handle NCS and RAL colour conversion setups as well - which also look entirely different on screen, paper, and in real life.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    2 years ago

    This is cartoonishly evil and could easily be used as the plot of a children's movie about an evil capitalist named Mr. Moneybags who wanted to own all the colours so everything had to be painted black.

  • solaranus
    2 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • plinky [he/him]
      2 years ago

      The cool part is when you send your document to legal printing company, their software will shit on your color and print black

      • solaranus
        2 years ago

        deleted by creator

  • Gamer_time [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Ey Mario! Check out this color I made!

    It's a RGB value Luigi, you didn't make it!

    I typed it in!

  • Abraxiel
    2 years ago

    Never pay for an Adobe product.

    • Owl [he/him]
      2 years ago

      You're thinking of Pantene. Pantone is a kind of sweet bread from Italy.

      • OrlandoDeCabron [he/him]
        2 years ago

        You're thinking of Panettone. Pantone is a musical scale with five notes per octave.

        • Homestar440 [he/him]
          2 years ago

          You’re thinking of Pentatonic, Pantone is a famous WW2 general, played by George C Scott in a movie of the same name.

          • sgtlion [any]
            2 years ago

            You're thinking of general George Patton, Pantone is a type of play or theatrical performance, either silent or otherwise based on classic nursery rhymes.

            • SoyViking [he/him]
              2 years ago

              You're thinking of pantomime. Pantone is an acclaimed 20th century Scandinavian furniture and interior designer.

  • Tervell [he/him]
    2 years ago

    eagerly awaiting the BMF post about color kulaks

  • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    All important services and businesses must be nationalized once they reach a certain prominence. Once a company is so large that they affect the lives of basically everyone because you either use their products or someone else is using them two steps up the supply chain, congratulations, you are now a government agency.

    As soon as Windows was widely being used it should’ve been nationalized. Same for Apple. Once Photoshop and Premier became the industry standard, Adobe should’ve bern nationalized. If you make a digital color standard that’s nearly universally used, congratulations, you get nationalized.

    If you could ask 100 random people if they’ve heard of a company and more than 50%, or maybe like 70%, say yes, it’s nationalization time.

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      I'm American but I'll never understand the fetish Americans have for "freedom". The free vaccine program is going to end and Pfizer (etc?) are going to make bank causing illness, suffering, and death. Yet Americans yawn. You can't interfere with the magic of the free market.