I still fondly remember all the times he royally pissed off the entire GTAO sub after becoming a mod on it, just managing to set off the absolute dumbest manchildren with the most innocuous shit possible. He was like Icarus, posting too close to a sun made entirely out of irony until all the corn in his cob got popped.
Although in all seriousness he was often a bit sus, but him being a notable weird poster whose whole shtick was edgy irony bought him slack until he just had an absolute meltdown and started doing objectively ahistorical nazi apologia unprompted.
I really liked 7DeadlyFetishes back in the CTH sub days :/
I still fondly remember all the times he royally pissed off the entire GTAO sub after becoming a mod on it, just managing to set off the absolute dumbest manchildren with the most innocuous shit possible. He was like Icarus, posting too close to a sun made entirely out of irony until all the corn in his cob got popped.
Although in all seriousness he was often a bit sus, but him being a notable weird poster whose whole shtick was edgy irony bought him slack until he just had an absolute meltdown and started doing objectively ahistorical nazi apologia unprompted.
Me too comrade, me too
Didn’t they get banned from here? lol
You either get banned a hero or...