• RNAi [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I don't know about that guy, explain me the joke

    • redthebaron [he/him]
      4 years ago

      okay this is gonna be a bit long

      Jacob is the dude from the ladder and just the coolest person on the old testament like basically he was born the second son of isaac and his older brother gets the blessing (as in the vague old testament blessing) and he conspires with his mother to steal the blessing so after esau gets back from hunting with no food and hungry jacob is doing just the tastiest lentil soup his brother asks for some and he says IF YOU GIVE ME THE FIRSTBORN BLESSING and he does, okay isaac has decided to give a second blessing a more important one to isau absolutelly unaware of this going on, SO JACOB JUST FUCKING GETS HIS BROTHER OUT THE HOUSE DRESSES UP LIKE ISAU TRICKS HIS BLIND FATHER, Okay isau gets pissed as fuck and jacob runs off. one night he sleeps in a barn, he dreams of a ladder to the sky and sees an angel going up, he decides to after this angel and ask for a blessing the angel says "my man sorry i am busy i gotta go up the ladder have heaven stuff to do" and jacob goes "oh you don't understand i am gonna get that blessing" so they literally wrestle for a whole day literally a man just fighting an angel until the angel just whatever here take it THE MAN HAS 3 BLESSING HE HUSTLE FOR,

      like it is not properly a marxist bit but there is this whole thing about jacob as being a man that refuses to accept the place fate has decided for him, also don't remember if the ladder and the wrestle happen at the same time could be two different dreams but if it was this means that it is the wrestling ladder match