I watched the movie, and in a vacuum, I can see where the more controversial scenes can be interpreted as lascivious. But in the context of the movie, it really didn't feel out of place at all. The scenes are intentionally awkward, and I think part of the film's message is to make you feel uncomfortable. It tackles several themes, actually, and has quite some depth. Really, the biggest complaint I have is the movie is rather boring.

I tried to watch some videos, but every single one is a reactionary take that uses a hammer when a chisel would be far more appropriate. Anyone come across any reviews or videos that take the issue rather seriously, but can also critique the film on its own merits?

  • Enver_Hoxha [she/her]
    4 years ago

    i dont see why a major corporation would ever relese a pro pedo movie can you sum up the plot and stuff because i wont bother watching it but im interested in how it potrayed the uuuum 12 year old sexualisationm thing

    • LoMeinTenants [any]
      4 years ago

      pro pedo movie

      First let's start on the same page. How do you define "pro pedo"?

      And it's a coming-of-age film about a young girl battling tradition (family, religion, culture) and trying to assert her place in this world and channels it into provocative dance, to the horror of all the adults in the film. It's a take on the hypersexualization of our youth.

      • Enver_Hoxha [she/her]
        4 years ago

        ive only read about in in some internet sies you make it sound a lot better than some posts about the promo pictures

        • LoMeinTenants [any]
          4 years ago

          Because outrage sells, but more sinisterly, there's an agenda at play. My guess is to push censorship, in the vein of Mike Cernovich. It's getting review-bombed harder than Captain Marvel, if that gives any indication.

            • LoMeinTenants [any]
              4 years ago

              Exactly. I don't know enough about the scene to speak on it, but the right has isolated drag shows featuring minors as their catch-all. And apparently some convicted sex offender was involved with a YT channel, but instead of canceling the individual, their narrative is, "Well, clearly they're okay with pedos let's shut they entire scene/movement down."

                • kristina [she/her]
                  4 years ago

                  mood. one of my relatives left a bunch of old dresses at our house and no one ever touched or wore them and id sneak them on to explore my brainspace. tbh didnt do anything for me but it did make me learn a bit about my gender.

                  i repressed the shit out of it all for a while. im really frustrated about it

          • standardissue [he/him]
            4 years ago

            It's all a part of the moral panic the fringe right wing is trying to foment. It's a trojan horse to push standard conservative values: nuclear family, anti-gay, anti-feminism etc. We can talk about "sexualization" of children and how saturated pop culture is with sexual content but obviously the right should not be setting the terms of that discussion. Also isn't the movie centered on a black girl? There's a racial element there that shouldn't be ignored.

            What bothers the fuck out of me is that well-meaning people are getting swept up in the panic about pedophilia that the right is using to tar liberals (and the left by extension). The sad part is that those online shouting out pedophilia probably know an abuser irl and instead choose to larp against hollywood on facebook