I watched the movie, and in a vacuum, I can see where the more controversial scenes can be interpreted as lascivious. But in the context of the movie, it really didn't feel out of place at all. The scenes are intentionally awkward, and I think part of the film's message is to make you feel uncomfortable. It tackles several themes, actually, and has quite some depth. Really, the biggest complaint I have is the movie is rather boring.

I tried to watch some videos, but every single one is a reactionary take that uses a hammer when a chisel would be far more appropriate. Anyone come across any reviews or videos that take the issue rather seriously, but can also critique the film on its own merits?

  • LoMeinTenants [any]
    4 years ago

    Ah sorry, have ADD and like 20 tabs open.

    Does the film critique the hypersexualization of young children? Cause that wasn’t really covered in Wubby’s video and I don’t care enough to watch it myself. Like, was there a point to the movie?

    Yes, it does. The point of the movie was to tell a story and use contemporary culture as the vehicle.

    Save for generating controversy?

    That's some bold framing. Perhaps try to watch the movie and draw your own conclusions.

    • GottaJiBooUrns [they/them]
      4 years ago

      The point of the movie was to tell a story and use contemporary culture as the vehicle.

      How does it do that though? I've established that I'm not going to watch the movie, hence why I'm asking you for your analysis of it. But so far all your posts here just seem to be saying "guys it's not not actually that bad, come on" without engaging in the actual points that have been raised.

      I'm not trying to say "this movie IS bad and you're wrong," I'm just trying to understand why it isn't as bad as it looks.

      • LoMeinTenants [any]
        4 years ago

        Honestly, I can't answer that because it comes down to each individual and their own visceral reaction to the content. I watched it and went, "Yup, that's a reflection of reality." And it didn't bother me.

        We're all slaves to conspicuous consumption, to a degree, and I don't think anyone would deny that our culture promotes a weird fetishization of teen sexuality. This film explores that realm and how impressionable youths feel pressure to subsume that culture in a search for relevancy. Again, check out the movie, or maybe wait for a censored version.