No it does not, it shows what a loser they are. They can’t just let something go, no, they must waste their time alive and make themself infuriated over an internet forum that NOBODY even knows, much less cares about. When you think about it like that it really becomes clear how pitiable this behavior is.
Was this compiled by the .worlder if so that is extremely pathetic, and also deeply unserious.
he complied it himself .. tho that demands some respect..
No it does not, it shows what a loser they are. They can’t just let something go, no, they must waste their time alive and make themself infuriated over an internet forum that NOBODY even knows, much less cares about. When you think about it like that it really becomes clear how pitiable this behavior is. <-- imagine the libery of statements towards his own idiocy that he has .. I am sure its an Iceberg..
I refuse to partake in self harm