(note: while WSWS (trot site) uses CCP instead of CPC, they generally have good takes on China and support China against US imperialism)
(note: to clarify, this article is in support of Zero-COVID and sees the lifting of the policy as a grave mistake)
(note: i do not necessarily support all the shit wsws says i am not a fucking trot)
Yes, they should actually. It is better than the alternative which is to cave into the US bioterrorist demands to embrace a pro-COVID policy.
The CCP has determined it is not viable to continue zero-Covid forever and they are losing popularity of the masses. That’s their decision and the decision of the Chinese masses, you do not have the relevant data the CCP does
They will reconsider once people are rioting over empty pharmacy shelves.
Ok oh wise westerner, why don’t you go work for the CCP since you should override them with your wisdom
Let's wait and see. I have immunocompromised family in China, and I am invested in the situation.
You don’t think the CCP has immunocompromised members or family or are invested in the decision? Maybe cut the utopian trot shit that fills this article
I am not a trot. WSWS is the best I found, not the ideal source.
perhaps if the best source you could find with this opinion, then it would be worth reevaluating your opinion
"well maybe if you share your opinion with someone stupid your opinion is stupid!"
-let er rip activist
this article is filled with trot shit, calling socialism in china a "fallacy" and demanding they keep up utopian levels of effort at a doomed project the rest of the world has rejected and will never accomplish