that's not the only nazi dog whistle: there's a NATO flag in his pfp!
Nazis thought so highly of Poles that they gave them their own government!
Extremely Western European voice: "Or Poles, or... uhh... whatever other types of Slavs there are"
the guys on the bottom know slurs for ethnicities you've never even heard of
It could also be an Australian or Canadian neonazi. It's really hard to tell in this context.
Tell me you you haven't been outside and seen the average euro without actually telling me challenge
All of these "Other ethnicity soyjak, my ethnicity chad" memes could easily be disproven by going outside for 10 minutes
It's a classic nazi trope but it's just so fucking stupid and infantile
Also he's smiling.
Brits are too miserable about living in their crumbling ex-empire to smile.
pretty sure this is an edit of a picture i saw on 4chan as an edgy teen. glad to see that's where we're at with all this
Why when they do stuff like this they choose the most basic looking white dudes?