One reason why I think the Prestige TV format is just way better for any kind of Extended Universe franchise.
For the content hungry lore heads, you don't want five minutes of Luke Skywalker whining about the uselessness of his order's oldest manuscripts. You want a season's worth of Clone Wars animated shorts, where different Jedis' beliefs are challenges and reflected across his peers, before a big climax conclusion.
Then they said fuck all that, we’re doing Another Star War. Erased everything. a fleet of 1000 death stars! Palpatine was her fucking GRANDPA.
Yeah, that last movie really was awful on every conceivable level. Just one last steaming coil of turd on top of their mountain of crap.
One reason why I think the Prestige TV format is just way better for any kind of Extended Universe franchise.
For the content hungry lore heads, you don't want five minutes of Luke Skywalker whining about the uselessness of his order's oldest manuscripts. You want a season's worth of Clone Wars animated shorts, where different Jedis' beliefs are challenges and reflected across his peers, before a big climax conclusion.
Yeah, that last movie really was awful on every conceivable level. Just one last steaming coil of turd on top of their mountain of crap.