With the exception of a certain user recently, of course. Lol
Seriously though, this railroad strike vote doesn't suprise me. I stopped caring about AOC good/bad a long time ago, and i feel thats the general consensus here. They've proven time and again that they are Social Imperialists that are expressly not trying to form a voting block to move the party left. They're libs with no ideology that whine about commitee appoints as why they have to vote like ghouls. They all do more harm than good to any kind of real movement if people conflate their shit with socialism.
I think his point is at least worth considering. This is from the interview, and it's a response to a question about why mass protests haven't been resulting in any real change:
I read this as him basically saying you need a vanguard party to successfully carry out a revolution, and this party must have real power and influence. In the modern day US, most avenues that might propel leaders to that position have been almost completely blocked off to the left, but having key people in those positions seems like it would be critical. As timid and milquetoast as Bernie was, he was still a figure that large numbers of people were able to rally around. It feels like we really need that, but actually left. That seems tricky to pull off.