Dec. 6 is the anniversary of Marc Lépine’s misogynistic assault on École Polytechnique de Montréal in 1989. On that day, Mr. Lépine entered a classroom armed with a semi-automatic rifle. He asked all the men to leave and then opened fire. He murdered 14 women and wounded another 14 people before taking his own life.
The day before the anniversary, Mr. Rochefort posted an altered photo depicting Mr. Lépine with an assault rifle in front of a group of women, telling his readers that Dec. 6 “should be a day when we remember the first counterattack against the femin*zis’ war on men.” In August, 2022, he was convicted of inciting hatred toward women.
Some incidents of incel violence have started to be treated as acts of terrorism, and the Canadian governemtn IIRC has recently considered treating the incel "movement" as a domestic terrorism threat.
oh no no no mr. orion, i said the struggle session will occur later.
but i condemned and still condemn his behavior, so you'll need to insinuate something more substantial at the appropriate time.
Yeah, that's the thing, you did condemn him with quite a lengthy disclaimer, didn't you? At the same time, you called yourself a "big Kanye apologist." I hand waved the idea of a struggle session on the topic because I didn't think it was worth one for "this person now represents something I despise but they've made some bangers tho" but now my curiosity is piqued at the possible nuanced angle you could come at this with. Maybe I was too quick in my hand waving, guess we'll see. I'll look forward to reading this at the appropriate time.
yes-- i look forward to your charitable ear and your quick wit.