OrionsMask [he/him,any]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 4 年前
Cake day: 2020年8月26日


  • OrionsMask [he/him,any]toem_pocEM POC WEEKLY THREAD 6/4/24
    1 个月前

    I don't really know honestly. I definitely have insomnia, I've wondered about sleep apnea but have never gotten tested for it.

    I definitely can't fall asleep immediately though. Sometimes it takes hours.

  • OrionsMask [he/him,any]toem_pocEM POC WEEKLY THREAD 6/4/24
    1 个月前

    I'm speaking generally. What really set me off yesterday was the animals who were crying over hunting dogs being killed in Gaza. I love dogs, but they cheer on the mass deaths of brown-skinned civilians and children whilst crying for a beast trained to murder. That's how little they value the lives of POC.

    Thanks though, your words are comforting. Unfortunately IRL it's hard not to engage with white people on some level, I'm surrounded by them at work, and a lot of people I socialize with are white too. The contempt they have for POC shows through though, even with co-workers, even with friends, even if it's minor. It feels like it's in their DNA. It makes me sad but I'm getting to the point where I can't trust any white person.

  • OrionsMask [he/him,any]toem_pocEM POC WEEKLY THREAD 6/4/24
    1 个月前

    How do you cope with the fact that the majority of the white world seems to take great joy in devaluing and dehumanising us? Sometimes it just seems like too much to bear without becoming uncontrollably violent.

  • Don't call me stupid but I didn't know there was a word for it. I love these spaces too and feel so content near them. When I was at university, it was near the docks and I'd take every opportunity I could to go walk by them, sometimes just sit a while, it was always so quiet in the evening and the sound of the water always helped me to calm down and offload anxiety. I don't get to do that often anymore.

  • God, I fucking hate this so much. The empire leveraging its decades-long propaganda.

    "We did it too, now you wouldn't criticise the United States like some freedom-hating commie, would you? So you shouldn't criticise Israel either! A little genocide is fine if we say so!"

    Room full of white people nod along and clap.