He's like a 7 year old kid who keeps trying to make the same joke over and over and no one laughs, not even pity laughs and he just doesn't get that his jokes aren't funny.
This is the most annoying thing.
They don't want
, they want everyone to agree with them. Simply not laughing and conforming to their worldview is seen as an insult. It's more insulting to simply not laugh than to lecture them about why it's problematic.
Best answer I have is, "sorry, am I required to laugh at your jokes?" When they get emotional about it
Oof, same, though thankfully not with SV "jokes" just regular bad uncle jokes.
This is giving “man desperately trying to hide that he has been to therapy” tbh
Probably paid them to say exactly what he wanted to hear, and was still ashamed about having been to therapy.
You know what, sure, go ahead and die right now and I'll put whatever you want on your gravestone. Trust me, I promise.
Musk has found the depth of the K-hole and it's about 6 feet under.
Here lies the "men will literally X instead of going to therapy" joke