Not only did he do everything in service of the US empire, but there's not a single notable politician who disagrees with him or his agenda because it's also their agenda. Was he just the Trump before Trump, being indifferent about the optics?

    5 months ago

    What makes you think liberals hate Henry Kissinger? Last I knew they all thought he was a once-in-a-lifetime diplomat and statesman, who was willing to make the hard decisions necessary.

    • Sons_of_Ferrix
      5 months ago

      r/neolib civics nerds may defend Kissinger.

      Your average Lib these days is somebody with a "gay pride" bumper sticker on their Subaru who thinks they're way more left wing than they actually are. They probably think they hate Kissinger but don't have any idea why, Jon Steward made a joke about him being bad once that's all they remember.