I'm probably just ignorant, but aren't these kind of the same thing?

The upshot of both seems to be "modernity is bad, the right way for humans to live is in some vastly simpler system characterized by either sustenance farming, shepherding, and/or hunting & gathering".

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    5 months ago

    Adrian Angelico is a cool guy to follow for Sami issues and indigenous issues more generally. Trans NB, opera singer, Sami and indigenous rights advocate, great social media presence (and great hair!). Used to have a good presence on Tiktok, not sure if he's still using that platform.


    Here's a little clip from the BBC where he talks about some of his experiences with transitioning (:norway-cool:) (we don't have a :norway-cool:) He's in an unusual spot as an opera singer - Really has to take care of his voice and he's got some interesting things to say about that.

    Here's a clip of him performing.
