The 45+ crowd will vote for him because they support isn'treal and are afraid of Drumpf but I think we're going to see a massive drop out of young voters. Probably too with the people who already don't vote to begin with, namely service workers who are fucked over either way with D's and R's.

And here I thought Biden was going to win in November, time to eat crow.

  • Adkml [he/him]
    5 个月前

    I keep seeing this here and as much as it would be funny there's literally no chance that happens.

    The EC is explicitly set up to give lower population (republican) states more influence.

    Unless California and New York catch Trump fever and everybody form "real america" decides to overwhelmingly vote for the perosn they've been screaming is a communist for a decade this is never ever going to happen.

      • Adkml [he/him]
        4 个月前

        No then Trump would just win both. The only way Biden wins the electoral college without an overwhelming popular vote win would be if he won all the overrepresented ec states. Like wyoming, west Virginia, and the dakotas. And he wouldn't have to just win them he would have to run up the s ore in those places.

        So unless about 80% of the population there has a fundamental change of their core "values" it would never happen.

    • edge [he/him]
      4 个月前

      It’s possible if RFK saps enough votes in non-swing states without actually changing the result of those states. Even more if red states have extra turnout for Trump and blue states have less turnout for Biden.

      As an extreme example, if RFK won over every Biden voter in Texas, that’s 5 million less votes for Biden without changing the result.

      • Adkml [he/him]
        4 个月前

        Sure. if that happened it would have happened.

        But RFK getting more than 10% in any state is about as likely as 90% of Wyoming becoming blue Maga.