like there are legit covid sceptics on this site saying shit like "lol just touch grass" and "you need to go out" while we are currently heading to another peak ( and most claim to not be "covid sceptics" with weak defenses of their treats like "i cant just put my whole life on hold" and "im not just gonna live in fear" :yea:
while these ppls presence on this site is enough justification for this post, i wanna add that i woke up this morning w a sore throat and had a slight cough yesterday thats getting worse. gonna take a triple test today (covid, RSV, flu), but im p sure its covid bc my gf's mom tested positive 2 days ago and she still doesnt wear a mask around the house. i cant skip work bc i have bills to pay (living alone, gf lives w parents), but im lucky and dont see many ppl at my job so i can distance and mask while working. ive never gone "back to normal": go out only when necessary, drive thru theatre is big for us bc of safety, always wear mask even tho NOBODY else here does and me and my gf get strange looks and sometimes these fucking crackers around here COUGH IN OUR DIRECTION. i sacrificed my social life for 3 years and bc everyone else is too selfish to do the same, i have to face a 1 in 6 chance of disability and a chance of hospitalization/death. i hate this country so damn much
so despite everything i got the :covid-cool: . from now on were taking covid seriously. n95 + cloth mask EVERYWHERE. even at her house bc we obv cant trust her parents. im not letting us take off our masks unless we're alone, no exceptions. UGGGHHHH it sucks, ive avoided this disease for 3 years and now im so afraid that ill lose some neurological function, get GI problems, liver problems, sensory disability, etc. its so horrifying and stressful. guys pls take this seriously. nobody else is but i expected more empathy from ppl on this site
just an fyi, we've known for years that covid is worse for people with comorbidities, which is every disabled person by definition
but yes if you want me to say immunocompromised, I also mean them, because they are also disabled
This is true, but disabled people aren't a monolith or can do no wrong, we're more than capable of making selfish and dumb decisions and hurting each other, as evidenced by all the disabled people not taking appropriate precautions with regards to COVID.
EDIT: erasing this post for being unnecessarily hostile
Please stop being hostile towards others in this thread, it's going to make the entire thread more toxic and hostile
Apologies. It's easy to get worked up about this, because it affects my life deeply. I will refrain.
Thank you comrade :heart-sickle:
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I am also a disabled person. Coincidentally, my spine is also fused together (AS buddies maybe?). Maybe that paints me differently in your eyes. I would rather have solidarity from my comrades. I would rather not be a doomer.
It's just very hard not to be a "doomer" when I haven't seen a mask in public since March last year and the rehab centre literally said it was fine if I took my mask off. I've just moved on to the acceptance phase now that the world is moving on without us, yet again, and there is nothing I can do about it.
I know it's depressing and not being a good socialist but options are non existent. The most I can do is, ironically, wear a mask.
I get it, but I haven't given up on myself. I will also add that my (admittedly) angry response is deeply rooted in my extended family using other disabled people to convince me to give in to the risk. You struck a chord you didn't know existed and I apologize for being rude.
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I'm sorry you're going through that. I'm sure we share a lot of pain even if it isn't the same disorder. Spine shit sucks and its hard for others to truly comprehend what it's like dealing with every day.