like there are legit covid sceptics on this site saying shit like "lol just touch grass" and "you need to go out" while we are currently heading to another peak ( and most claim to not be "covid sceptics" with weak defenses of their treats like "i cant just put my whole life on hold" and "im not just gonna live in fear" :yea:
while these ppls presence on this site is enough justification for this post, i wanna add that i woke up this morning w a sore throat and had a slight cough yesterday thats getting worse. gonna take a triple test today (covid, RSV, flu), but im p sure its covid bc my gf's mom tested positive 2 days ago and she still doesnt wear a mask around the house. i cant skip work bc i have bills to pay (living alone, gf lives w parents), but im lucky and dont see many ppl at my job so i can distance and mask while working. ive never gone "back to normal": go out only when necessary, drive thru theatre is big for us bc of safety, always wear mask even tho NOBODY else here does and me and my gf get strange looks and sometimes these fucking crackers around here COUGH IN OUR DIRECTION. i sacrificed my social life for 3 years and bc everyone else is too selfish to do the same, i have to face a 1 in 6 chance of disability and a chance of hospitalization/death. i hate this country so damn much
so despite everything i got the :covid-cool: . from now on were taking covid seriously. n95 + cloth mask EVERYWHERE. even at her house bc we obv cant trust her parents. im not letting us take off our masks unless we're alone, no exceptions. UGGGHHHH it sucks, ive avoided this disease for 3 years and now im so afraid that ill lose some neurological function, get GI problems, liver problems, sensory disability, etc. its so horrifying and stressful. guys pls take this seriously. nobody else is but i expected more empathy from ppl on this site
Hi everyone, just a reminder to assume good faith when talking to each other. We're all more willing to learn and compromise when we're kind to each other - we're among comrades after all.
what does this even mean? just go to the modlog and scroll through all the covid misinformation/downplaying.
If you have to go to the modlog then you're pointing to posts that have been removed. The context of this post is that somehow Hexbear tolerates covid misinformation.
That's not the context of this post. The context of this post is a lot of people have been downplaying covid and spreading misinformation and it sucks. The mod team here is incredible and this post does not mention them at all.
The title is literally a plead to have a community where covid is taken seriously, implying there is a community where covid isn't taken seriously
You can't trust the modlog though. I had a post removed for downplaying covid despite saying exactly what the OP said about covid. Almost word-for-word. All mods don't read thoroughly and try to understand the posts, they just start removing shit that isn't "you're right OP"
I know you can. Which is why it's easy to see most removals are space_comrade, followed by duneposting. At best it's like 4-5 people. We have hundreds of active people. When the vaccines first came out we had some bans over vaccine denial too. It's not weird for a few people here to be wrong about stuff.
Whenever big arguments happen it gets blown out of proportion and we end up spending weeks with this "hexbear has a culture problem we need to confront by being shitheads to people we actually agree with but don't wholeheartedly endorse my spill the tea sis attitude towards this issue"
Okay, but even in this thread are more people downplaying covid, saying there's nothing to be done. That sucks and that's what this post is about. That's what my post was about yesterday. Is it so much to ask for some fucking solidarity on a communist forum? Instead, every time someone brings up that this is happening, there's an army of people to claim it isn't happening, and when shown that it's happening, say "it isn't that bad, you're causing a problem".
Just from this thread:
No one is sceptical of “taking precautions”, people just have different opinions on what acceptable precautions are.
I just think it’s one of those things where it’s been now what - 3 years, and the government obviously at this point isn’t going to radically alter its covid policy. People are going to try just to get on with there lives and will just assume whatever risk there is.
Ok but Covid has been going on for several years now with no sign of slowing. Staying locked inside for what well might be a decade would also deeply fuck up my life
What does this even mean? I see plenty of disabled people in public not wearing masks. There isn’t some sort of unified position over here amongst disabled folks. Hell, I was even told I could remove my mask by a physiotherapist, in a setting with lots of disabled people present.
Okay, but even in this thread are more people downplaying covid, saying there’s nothing to be done.
But here's my problem, there is nothing to be done except choose to wear a mask and isolate or don't. Everyone on this site could follow every precaution to a T and it wouldn't actually put a dent in covid deaths. The problem isn't that there is misinformation or denial happening. The power structure is not a spirit bomb that gets stronger when people online have opinions that align with it. That's the tail wagging the dog. The problem is the power structure did fuck all about covid, purposefully stoked and put people with terrible opinions into power, wrecked public health, and then the good guys saved the day by doing the same shit. That's why disabled people are dying. Not because stalinfan69 went out to eat with their parents and didn't mask up. Systemic problems are systemic, not individualistic.
When someone points that out, they called a mass murderer covid denialist. I agree that it's gouache to breathe on people during a pandemic, and that it increases everyone's chance of getting sick. Don't fucking do it, wear a mask it won't kill you. But I get why those people aren't wearing one. It's not because they're supremely evil beings who just want to hurt others. It's because they're doing the same thing we are. Which is react according to your personal predilections. In this case, it's being as conscientious as possible because we're leftists and we do that kind of thing. They're doing because that's the only thing we can do, react individually and hope it does something.
Yes there's a few people who were like "I went to a concert without a mask because I'm tired." There was that one person who was saying that covid deaths are down so it's fine (even though they half-assed tested dead people throughout the pandemic). Okay, ban them. Move on. We've done it before when the vaccines first came out. No need to drag it out into this huge "I thought hexbear was safe but it turns out everyone here also wants to kill me" thing.
Everyone on this site could follow every precaution to a T and it wouldn’t actually put a dent in covid deaths.
It actually would concretely lead to less people on average dying though, it just would look miniscule next to the national numbers
No need to drag it out into this huge “I thought hexbear was safe but it turns out everyone here also wants to kill me” thing.
You have made up a person to argue with. Disengage.
Ctrl + f "COVID" in the modlog gets four removals from two users. Am I reading this wrong or something?
Okay I was looking at just this community, apparently.
So >50% of the removed COVID posts are literally one user, and no one has been outright banned, and nothing has been removed today (struggle sesh already over?). Still doesn't seem as bad as people are saying.
not strawmanning if im just repeating what theyre saying. there have been a few struggle sessions on this in the past week.
well they were skeptical of taking covid precautions. "'climate sceptic' isnt the right word, im not denying climate change doesnt exist, theres just arguments on how we're going to deal with it. for example, by doing nothing"
if someone's "acceptable precautions" include going to crowded indoor areas (which ive seen defended a lot here) i call them covid skeptics. even if ur masked w n95 it contributes to the "back to normal" culture. i understand needing to socialize, but does it have to be at concerts/clubs/restaurants?
if someone’s “acceptable precautions” include going to crowded indoor areas
I mean this is pretty much every supermarket, where no one wears masks. Or most people's jobs. It's not like we have a choice here.
Obviously people going clubbing and stuff is different
i didnt mention supermarkets or jobs tho. if ur job involves being at concerts/clubs/restaurants theyre obv fine. how about these ppl ACTUALLY touch grass, being in nature is prob one of the safest social activities rn
you should be doing what you can to protect disabled people and your line should at least reflect that
shouldnt we at least be against voluntarily socializing in crowded indoor areas, not wearing a mask, not testing as frequently as possible, and shaming people for not doing these things?
You're repeating what they're saying, then stating that isn't what they think that actually they're covid skeptics
Number of people here that don't get that covid is directly connected to class struggle is too damn high.
"Ok but Covid has been going on for several years now with no sign of slowing. Staying locked inside for what well might be a decade would also deeply fuck up my life." This post in this thread, admittedly only an hour old, currently has 12 upvotes.
And? Is acknowledging that isolating yourself from human connection for a long but undefined period of time, possibly forever, can have severe negative outcomes the same thing as being a covid skeptic?
You see that suggesting a that anyone is arguing to "lock yourself inside" is the actual strawman right?
Find me one post of anyone suggesting this. It's a false dichotomy that it's all or nothing.
I think you're bending over backwards to not understand what that poster is trying to say
The amount of outrage that one post has generated here is insane. lol Y'all are still pissing and moaning about that shit days later.
I feel like people are going out of their way to interpret what was essentially a "touch grass" post as uncharitably as possible.
Could he have emphasized covid more? Sure. But I don't believe he was literally advocating spitting into eachother's mouths like some people here are acting.
Socializing offline and being covid-conscious are not mutually exclusive. It is possible.
Yeah this site is PHENOMENALY COVID conscious.
I've never seen a single anti-masker here which is what you'd think they were talking about from the tone of it all. I'd expect an actual anti-masker to be banned on the spot.
If there's not a struggle session hexbear will FORCE there to be one because it's the only time we got more than 11 posts per day.
...this site sometimes
My struggle session post yesterday (which I posted in /c/covid because I didn't want a struggle session) was in response MOSTLY to some comments on a post about opening a window being a covid mitigation strategy (its not really and pretending it is just makes the world more dangerous for people like me). Some of it was informed by the "go out" discourse, but not the post itself. It was people dismissing and shaming those that are still attempting to stay safe from covid.
I'm immunocompromised and it sucks to come here and see the same shit I've been hearing from chuds for three years and libs for one and a half years. It's likely I won't be getting anything close to normal in my life again. Please keep this perspective in mind before dismissing concerns.
Look, I made the struggle session post yesterday. I was sad and disheartened. I posted it in /c/covid because I thought we could all just commiserate together in there, but some people came in to shame, downplay covid, and discourage mitigation strategies. My post was not about the dumb "go out" discourse, but the response towards people who said "I can't because of covid". I'm sure this post right here is a response to what ultimately happened in my struggle session, in which a few users made me have a very bad day (which I shouldn't let happen, but it does).
It's hard being forgotten in this pandemic, ya know? I'm immunocompromised. I don't really have hope that I'll get back my life from before. Having people spread misinformation on this site, like claiming opening a window is more effective than masks, makes the world a worse place for people like me. Just try to keep this perspective in mind and don't dismiss us outright.
I sympathize, and my comment isn't necessarily specifically aimed at you, or even OP for that matter. More just a general statement of frustration.
Socializing offline and being covid-conscious are not mutually exclusive. It is possible.
That's literally the argument being made in this thread but the issue is people keep taking it as meaning locking yourself inside forever
It's funny to me because everybody is on the same page. There's literally zero disagreement in this thread.
First they said go but be responsible. The response is nonono BE RESPONSIBLE when you go out.
There's a few posts that seem to be a lot more "just give up it doesn't matter" but otherwise yeah, there seems to be a lot of miscommunication.
I think it's probably due to the mainstream gaslighting we've been subjected to over the past year about it. Combining with a going on 3 years of this bullshit we're all just pissed.
No go to the original thread, half of it is saying they cannot go outside or they hate all humans
I know, it's just... god damn you know? It's been 3 days of this, and over a post that was barely offensive to begin with.
yeah, most ppl here are good. im mostly frustrated at irl stuff and begging this community to not use conservative talking points like "im not putting my whole life on hold". nobody is asking anyone to put their whole life on hold. just to not be a plague rat, which includes putting some of ur life on hold
totally agree. ppl assume my argument means "lock urself in a dungeon and only eat what u grow in hydroponics". no, just dont be a plague rat and act like u would if there was no covid at all. ik there are reasonable precautions ppl on this site aren't taking bc they wouldnt get this bent up over it if they were being reasonably safe
I'm a hypocrite for flying and going out to eat with family during the busiest season with highest transmission. I took the risk and did what I could while still participating, but I still caught covid. It's social pressure 100%, if it were up to me we would all socially isolate for 5 days, test before getting together, and then eat at home.
Yeah the few people I had been still seeing stopped caring. Worrying about covid makes someone a social outsider. My friends were all based around hobbies, and none are still on board with being cautious, they want to go out to bars.
sometimes these fucking crackers around here COUGH IN OUR DIRECTION.
:cracker: :stalin-gun-1::stalin-gun-2:
This happened to me when I was masked outside. It was a bunch of local white teenagers. The kids are not alright.
I still wear fresh N95s everywhere indoors, and I have a stash of test kits. I take COVID incredibly seriously. When I say you should go out, I don't mean to a packed bar, I mean to a park. Get some fresh air, sunlight, and outdoor exercise.
and i agree. the problem i have is with the few posters who act like not going to a concert is the end of the world
i thought that nobody on hexbear would say that. sure, my post could be misconstrued, i couldve worded my criticism better, but there have been ppl this past week who are downright misanthropic abt their treat defense from covid precautions
Link to the comment saying you should be at packed concerts
It's not hard to vaxx (if you aren't immuno-compromised), wear an n95 when you're in public (even outside around people), and to support the idea of public health whether online or off. There's no need to say "I need to get back to Arby's" here, since the entire corporate media has been screaming this in people's ears for years. My spouse's coworker's newborn baby just got RSV and is intubated in the hospital because the entire family consists of nothing but white liberals and fascists who think the tripledemic either isn't a big deal or is some kind of Jewish-Chinese conspiracy. The parents, of course, do not have health insurance and are now begging facebook for donations. Fuck this family, obviously, but the baby doesn't deserve this, and there are countless other stories just like this happening out there right now.
edit: mods please ban everyone who is saying "I need to get back to my life" or upvoting these posts. These boomers-in-training can take that shit to the comments sections of news articles on Facebook.
I think part of the drama stems from Covid becoming a permanent part of our lives due to the botched response. That makes it a lot bigger of an ask to say people should just stop doing the things they enjoy.
People don't see "put going to dates or festivals on hold" anymore, they see "quit doing that forever" because everyone in power just decided covid should be permanent. I think we can compromise and try to be more careful during bigger waves like now though.
48 upvotes and 113 comments
Nahh its 2023 this year I plan on ignoring hexbear drama and just use this site to sometimes post pictures of possums or something
The smartest poster. I'm gonna go lift weights, the thread isn't worth it lol.
:100-com: percent. My spouse and I are still one of the last few holdouts wearing their masks in public places. Everywhere online is telling us to go back to normal. I loved coming here because for the vast majority of time this place has been a refuge for people taking covid seriously. Glad the mods are taking it seriously though and deleting those comments.
Its really not hard to wear a mask when you go out and do things, jesus.
People seriously go to the gym without a mask to cough up a storm. I have seen about 3-4 in the past two weeks.
I'll stick to working out at home then lmao. My pull up bar becomes a better investment by the day
I'm neither a "covid minimizer" nor a "concern troll", comrade. It is an objective statement that only ever staying indoors (and thereby getting limited/no fresh air or sunlight) is as unhealthy for you in the long term as is being obese. Peer-reviewed studies have demonstrated this. I wear an N95 absolutely everywhere indoors, too. When I say you should go outside, I'm telling people to go to an outdoor space like a park to get some exercise, air, and sunlight. Please do not misconstrue my statements or label me in a derogatory way. That's not constructive. Do you think the revolution in Russia would have been successful if, after the Spanish Flu the Bolsheviks had said "aight, imma head in" and just never left their indoor spaces? Think critically, and peace be with you, comrade.
"claims"? Is obesity morbidity and mortality is a conspiracy to you? Oofdah. You can go to the park without catching COVID.
People seriously go to the gym without a mask to cough up a storm. I have seen about 3-4 in the past two weeks.
I've been seeing it pretty much ever since the first vaccine started getting widely distributed 💀
I avoided covid until like two weeks ago and im really pissed I still got sick after 4 vaccines, masking, avoiding crowds, not going out much, etc. I took paxlovid and then a week after got a rebound again and now im positive and sick again, this shit sucks. I missed way too much work cause of this shit and I have no idea how I even caught it but probably cause morons dont care to wear masks anymore on public transit and crowded places. idk wtf is wrong with people
Same experience, including the Paxlovid rebound (mine happened within a few days though). Just barely a day with no fever now and I can't smell anything. :agony-shivering:
Edit: hope you feel better, comrade.
Ok but Covid has been going on for several years now with no sign of slowing. Staying locked inside for what well might be a decade would also deeply fuck up my life
you can go outside while not spreading misinformation and shaming people for keeping themselves safe, which is the kind of attitude that I'm sure prompted this post
Exactly. Take your risks if you want, but don't try to convince others to follow suit and do not make others in your life take that risk with you if they do not want to.
Right, because everything good is impossible and we should just surrender to the glorious joy of eugenics. "You do you" = dead nurses, millions of orphaned children, and exterminating immunocompromised people because they are too expensive and annoying to take care of.
The rest of what I said is me saying if you're taking large COVID risks then you don't get to go immediately hangout with others. I.e. isolate and test if you just MUST go to a concert or whatever
You can go to a fucking concert if you want, just don't take off your fucking n95 and don't go online and tell everyone you're tired of covid and want to go back to Arby's. That is one million percent lib shit and the main fucking reason we are in this situation in the first place.
That's literally what I'm saying lol
Edit: Or at least that was my intention. I'm in full agreement here
The rest of what I said is to not include others with your risk taking. I.e. don't do something with a high COVID risk and then go hangout with others who did not consent to that risk immediately afterwards.
Concidering how a plot point in zombieland is literally risking your life for treats it's entirely possible lmfaooo
I took the ǰÀƁ (using zalgo text to bypass hexit's censorship and DNC covcern trolls because they show up everytime I try to speak out) and let me tell you the next day I saw one of those antifa types trying to look into my windows. I was hidden under a blanket so I don't think they saw me. After they moved on I scrambled through my playpen of pizza boxes and nearly empty fast food cups to search for my 45. It wasn't there. I checked the secret cutout in my 2010 September-2010 November newspaper archive. Then I remembered I accidentally left my glock in the both at Chick-fil-a. I opened up my filing cabinet where I keep all my used condoms from highschool and riffled through until I found my hidden aikuchi. I slowly walked up to the front door with the aikuchi hidden behind me. Then he started knocking. I looked through the peephole and there he was, holding a box. I opened the door slightly and said "What do you want?" He said smugly "I've got a package for you." and left it on the door step, laughing manically as he walked back to a large van then drove off. I opened the box, scared and curious. It was the Goblin Slayer DVD set I ordered off amazon last night.
Why is the main stream media not talking about this???