
  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    2 years ago

    people burst into room and start firing blanks

    They're lucky teachers aren't actually armed or there'd be an :officer-down:

    • familiar [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Fuck I wish one of the teachers was carrying, legal or not

  • Outdoor_Catgirl [she/her, they/them]
    2 years ago

    "Active shooter training" when I was in high school consistented of pulling all the depressed fuckups like me out of class for mandatory meeting with school counselor the week after a school got shot up and was in the news. "We all think you're a psycho murderer" isn't great to tell people with some degree of suicidal ideation

    • Des [she/her, they/them]
      2 years ago

      fuck. after a shooting my high school effectively banned all alternative fashion/styles. we had a really, really fucked up principal who they later found out was embezzling.
      security tried to strangle me with my choker to make a point. :acab:

      • 4zi [he/him, comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        unless your high school had a uniform system, thats a pretty massive 1st amendment lawsuit

        • Des [she/her, they/them]
          2 years ago

          ehh just ended up using internal connections to transfer to a different high school didn't really have the resources to do that. a close friend helped take the principal down though by writing a letter of complaint that got him arbitrarily suspended and started the investigation that led to his firing/arrest

  • happybadger [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Local school districts keep trying to recruit me as either a science or, god knows why, a special education teacher. With a horticulture degree and no classes whatsoever dealing with education or children. I just reply that Columbine is part of the same district and they want to pay like $20/hr to take that risk on top of COVID. It's the absolute last job I would consider.

    • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
      2 years ago

      I really look up to teachers, you gotta really love kids and education to want to put up with all the crap they're putting up with and their bosses fucking know it, which is why their conditions are so bad ("oh, you're asking for a raise in this economy?? Well if we paid you more we'd have to end our hot breakfast program, so get back to work").

  • wopazoo [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Link since OP is a :LIB:: https://old.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/102b18p/fuck_active_shooter_training/

  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    2 years ago

    It's almost like it's really hard to stop a mass shooter once they've started mass shooting, they picked the time and place and have a gun and their goal is indiscriminately killing as many people as possible as fast as possible. There is literally no response plan for this, let alone one that can be done on the fly by teachers and children during school let alone like. You have to do things that make people want to mass shoot less, which is actual work, but this nonsense seems like it would just get more people killed.

  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
    2 years ago

    you can't convince me that the cops involved had "teaching how to defend yourself" as a priority, their priority was "pretend to shoot a bunch of teachers and then high five while laughing about it later"

  • yellowfattybean [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Heh, the district I taught in had a middle school where the principal secretly arranged to have a police officer in plainclothes act as a deranged father with a gun looking for his kid by storming around the school screaming into classrooms and brandishing a gun. Not even the teacher was in on it, she's the one who complained in a public school board meeting. Nothing came of it

  • William_Nilliam [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    my school had a can drive. not for the hungry or anything it's just so we had something to throw at the shooter when they inevitably break into the classroom

  • Grimble [he/him,they/them]
    2 years ago

    On a sidenote this sounds like the perfect excuse for a fit enough person to practice fighting a cop and possibly even be congratulated for it

    • SaniFlush [any, any]
      2 years ago

      They're dangerous because they're heavily armed/armored and legally allowed to damn people to Hell forever if touched, not because they're actually good at fighting.

  • UlyssesT
    4 months ago

    deleted by creator