I think she got burned for saying
QAnon stuff on Twitterantisemetic/Holocaust denialy stuff and doubling down when Disney told her that she couldn't do that.She got toasted for comparing herself and conservatives to Jews during the Holocaust.
She pissed off the one group of people you absolutely do not want to piss off in Hollywood.
You can get away with a lot of stuff in Hollywood but anti-Semitism ain't one of those things
"The Jews" as an insidious force don't control Hollywood.
However, Hollywood as an institution has a lot of Jewish men in the upper strata and will let other things slide but not anti-Semitism stuff. It's no surprise that the Holocaust is a sore spot for that cultural and religious group.
One's an actual observation, the other is a conspiracy. Are there lots of powerful Jewish men in Hollywood? Absolutely. Do "The Jews" control Hollywood? No, it's a social engineering machine designed to uphold the capitalist economic system.
Same way I wouldn't go to make a movie in China and say that I feel like I survived the Nanjing Massacre.
Iirc there were some anti-Jewish labor laws at the turn of the 20th century that made movie production attractive to Jewish workers
Gina Carano is one of the only actors I’ve ever seen who I think I could do a better job than.
I could play Wonder Woman better than Gal Gadot, but Hollywood is too afraid to cast a nonbinary bisexual Puerto Rican in the part
COWBOY CERRONE :trump-anguish: we've got the best casting folks
no-ones even hate-reviewing/watching this fucking film lol
I assumed this meant $804 million but nope I checked it's $804.00
I looked up Steven Segal's last direct to DVD movie, it made almost 14k.
What's wild is that if the Daily Wire hadn't bought this movie, right wingers would have 100% decried it as a "woke" western film and used its failure as an example of "go woke go broke".
lmao that's fucking hilarious. I totally forgot that the other Daily Wire movie, Run Hide Fight, also had a female protag.
Hang on, so does Shut In! Is this because DW is saving money by buying the rights to films that are already partially made, or because DW films is some kind of deep-cover woke operation?
Run Hide Fight was definitely something they just bought the rights to distribute for
It's becoming very clear that DW films doesn't know how to actually make a movie
You know, as opposed to PureFlix which despite making dogshit, knows how to market and produce that dogshit fairly effectively
You already know that they're paying the men more than the women to act in these "films". With how much these movies bomb they probably can't afford anyone but Carano at this point.
Wow Cerrone’s acting now? I guess you get accused of using the n word once and there’s instantly an acting “career” waiting for you
They had ads rolling for this during a UFC main event and still nobody gave a fuck
Also crazy to think this movie made less than the cost of a veterinary visit for a snake bite
I paid around $850 the last time I went to the dentist.