
      9 months ago

      Bidet "uhhmmm we'll forgive 😴 $2 of student loans for every American, we'll put a mortgage on the white house and send the money to Ukraine! "

      (lib crowd explodes into cheers of "heil 99% hitler, heil the lesser evil" )

      Lib pundit: "sure Biden is a fossil, a weirdo, a genocide apologist and a warmonger, but at least he's not putler the baby eater! LESSER EVIL 99% HITLER"

      Trumpet "folks, I'll personally manage interest rates, build a wall surrounding the Atlantic Ocean and 😴 make Atlantis pay for it! Yes folks we have the biggest walls we have the most handsome walls in the world"

      (conservative crowd explode in cheers of "stop the Atlantidean caravan, build the Atlantic wall" )

      Conservative pundit: "sure trump is a fossil, wears diapers, he's a warmonger, and has fascist militias on his side, but at least he's not a commie tyrant like Xi! DON'T YOU LIKE FREERUMB?

      Since I started looking at amerikkkrakkker politics my brainworms rate has skyrocketed, it's at the same time the funniest and the saddest shit ever. At the same time I don't and I do get how Americans don't revolt immediately.

      Brainwormed rant over