Haven't watched it, but certainly doesn't match the hype. Apparently director had his own style and it was not well received. Yeah some may say something something Japanese otaku tastes lol but the descriptions are not too hot for me either honestly. Western style live action movie? Yeah I'm not Japanese and that doesn't look too appealing for me either.
Should still be fine due to worldwide streaming.
the manga is genuinely so fucking good. the anime is a mediocre adaptation of some stellar source material
I like the anime, just stupid amounts of gratuitous violence combined with humor made it a real fun watch, certainly wouldn't call it a quality story but I really hope there is a second season. I haven't read the manga, it doesn't seem like it would be nearly as fun visually. I'm guessing the story actually has a point though?
the story is incredible, and also the visuals actually hit a lot harder imo. it's black and white, but fujimoto has a mastery of the page that makes the fights really pop
I'll give it a shot if my brain ever gets into gear enough to do anything other than passively consume.
okay, good to know, because the anime plot felt kind of underdeveloped to me, like it was skimming past lots of interesting characters and concepts
it's more that the anime's plot was laying down stuff that'll only pay-off later down the line.
the manga is super speedy, but it packs in tons of substance