• poppy_apocalypse [he/him, any]
    2 years ago

    I listened to a podcast about this. BLM Denver kind of should have recognized this dude was a fed. White, 50ish, dressed in camos, driving around in a Hearse filled with guns, taking a leadership role in the protests, and telling everyone they need to start killing people and bombing buildings. He also professed to know how to use mind control and said he could teach people how to use it. This guy was like straight out of the protester company training video on opsec.

    • SaniFlush [any, any]
      2 years ago

      Several people called him out on how shady he was, repeatedly, and he just kept showing up anyways.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        2 years ago

        There are a limited number of methods available for keeping people shut out of protests and several of the more effective ones are felonies.

        :freeze-peach: is a great weapon for the feds bc how do you bar someone from a public protest without doing crimes to them, especially if they can't be shamed out of the space?

    • blue_lives_murder [they/them]
      2 years ago

      I mean the only radical org operating in denver during that time was black hammer lol

      of course the liberals had no idea. every major protest movement was captured in similar ways, whether it was the black capitalism landlord guy in seattle or whatever else. only places that got spicy were minny & portland, probably because they had the orgs to do so

      • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
        2 years ago

        Denver psl? Didn’t some of them get locked up? Idk they’d probably be called wreckers if they tried to kick people out of protests.

        Yeah https://www.leftvoice.org/denver-blm-activists-and-psl-members-arrested-charged-with-multiple-felonies/

        • blue_lives_murder [they/them]
          2 years ago

          oh yeah ty for the reminder. yeah one of the problems with that summer is that there were a lot of liberals in the streets with no revolutionary education policing peoples behavior

          • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
            2 years ago

            It’s a fine line that can be difficult to tell in the moment. This guy seems cartoonishly obvious, yeah, but it goes both ways

            • blue_lives_murder [they/them]
              2 years ago

              Yeah I get that. I don't participate much in my primary org anymore because I suspect certain folks of being disruptive for ulterior motives, but I'm not out there fedjacketing them either. I just focus on our primary mission and have entirely detached from internal politics.

              I feel comfortable speaking for most of us radicals who were on the streets in 2020 that the most infuriating part of the whole thing were the fucking liberals.

              I'm due for a fresh account so I'll share this. Liberals are fucking terrible at identifying the correct behavior to police. It does go both ways but as other commenters are pointing out, this dude was cartoonish. It's not fedjacketing to point out an obvious fed. But I'm sure as soon as this dude started fedjacketing people the libs lined right up behind him, because they have absolutely no revolutionary education. The only good thing to come out of 2020 is that some people received one.

              On a relatively(lol*) calm day in july 2020 I was on bike crew for a march in my city. The march wound up going to a public square for speeches, so we posted up like a block away from the crowd opposite a pig barricade, occupied by normal pigs but with swat pigs staging behind them. The barricade also happens to be the rear entrance for an official city government gathering that prominent people in the protests that hadn't been invited to are trying to get in. They talk to pigs at the barricade, eventually convince them to let them in.

              Almost immediately afterward, a white woman in a hijab walks up to the barricade to a different pig a few meters away and talks to them for a few minutes. She walks away and happens to pass me, so I get her attention and ask her loudly, "Hey watcha talkin to the pigs about?" She starts stammering a quiet response (honestly have no idea what she said, it's not why I asked the question), but she doesn't get more than a few words in before some white woman next to me tone polices the shit out of me, "I think we should let the leaders of the march do the talking." And the undercover pig scurries off.

              Implication being if you're not obviously black you should just get in line. I nod at her and go back to staring down the pigs. A dude on the line with us with a walkie who was clearly part of the march's organizers walks over and nods to me and says, "Thanks we got her description out."

              I didn't know the folks organizing things that day, but it's safe to say I helped them ID someone probably problematic.

              *Like 15 mins after the events I'm describing happened a car broke through the barricade another block away from the crowd and sped towards us before deciding against vehicular homicide and veering away at our intersection. I stood between the car and the crowd before they turned off the other way. I told a friend who works for the ACLU about that and he said, entirely earnestly, "you were the victim of a crime, you should report that!"

              • Frank [he/him, he/him]
                2 years ago

                The ACLU are a perfect example of why I hate libs more than fascists. Fash gonna fash, but libs are outt here enshrining the legal right to fash for no goddamn reason except their "principles"

                Also - staring down an oncoming vehicle is no fun at all, respect.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        2 years ago

        Minneapolis and Portland also had the advantage of near universal loathing of the police by everyone who wasn't white and economically stable. Having a recognized common enemy helps a great deal.

    • AHopeOnceMore [he/him]B
      2 years ago

      This is yet another reason why every org nedfs to be very concerned and proactive about kicking people out.

      Where to draw the line is something cool lefties can disagree about, but many are allergic to the idea of shrinking an org even to remove outrighy dangerous people.

      • Bloobish [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        I think the biggest thing is when people in orgs advocate for shit that would easily get it labeled as a terrorist org and charged. Being at a protest and pushing against a police line is different from someone saying "hey y'all lets get together and make pipe bombs to throw at a government building with cameras all over!" and orgs need to make this distinction clear and present because no leftist orgs in the US are going to become militant leftists like those in India or the Phillipines eking out an existence in the fucking mountains for a protracted peoples war. Also and always: if a white dude shows up with a megaphone wanting to either kill people or make you shake hands with a cop then they are fed plants and their megaphone needs to be crushed.

        • AHopeOnceMore [he/him]B
          2 years ago


          I also try to promote the idea that it doesn't really matter whether someone is actually a fed or just someone acting like one. Both will get members hurt and possibly the org destroyed.

          A white guy grabbing a megaphone can also be a dumbasd cracker without fed connections but it really doesn't matter whether anyone can prove a connection, they get the boot.

          • Nagarjuna [he/him]
            2 years ago

            I want this stickied on every comm, it's so important.

            You don't need to suss who is or isn't a cop, policing is a behavior.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2 years ago

      Fed or not he should have been booted, but that requires groups to communicate and coordinate. The hearse full of guns is pretty based though we should keep that.

  • Ho_Chi_Chungus [she/her]
    2 years ago

    driving around in a Hearse filled with guns,


    telling everyone they need to start killing people and bombing buildings


    He also professed to know how to use mind control and said he could teach people how to use it


  • SerLava [he/him]
    2 years ago

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcE0BMaTzEg&t=194s :boots-riley:

  • happyandhappy [she/her]
    2 years ago

    rebecca so when you sit there and you run your fucking mouth online and you're talking and discrediting my people my warriors my fellow comrades i am a communist i am fucking proud of it i ain't fucking perfect by any means necessary so don't get that fucked up i am a former career criminal i am a former outlaw biker and i don't hide that from nobody but i am also a kurdish freedom fighter and a kurdish soldier i can prove that anytime anywhere and i'm going to address the situation of people running their fucking mouth on the internet calling me a pedophile you can hide behind an anonymous website and an anonymous profile talking all that shit about i'll tell them just face no you won't because at the end of the day you come to me i got something for you and it's not just that i am the type of individual i don't give a fuck about going to prison i don't give a fuck about getting killed because believe me i fought isis for gosh i fought al qaeda i fought hubble shabby i've fought in iraq and i fought in syria i've trained real antifa freedom fighters in both those regions and i am certainly not fucking scared of you at the end of the day i put it to you like this i've been to war i've been to prison riots and i've been on war in extreme violent situations on the street i don't come from a very good background but the kurds gave me a second chance in life and i respect that and i'm honored to have that so in the video i will be posting pictures of the court document showing that one i am not a pedophile i was 19 years old and dated a girl who said she was 18 years old actually lied about her age