Can anyone give me a read on Rotary? I vaguely remember it being kinda stuffy and quasi-religious? I found out a co-worker goes to Rotary so I looked up their website and it looks pretty good/benign? No religious/missionary overtones that I could see. Thoughts?

  • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
    2 years ago

    It's where the local gentry - provincial bourgeoisie, think car dealership owners - go to excise their moral horror at being bourgeoisie. They'll have like a once a week luncheon, it'll cost money, they usually have a more formal dress code. They'll send kids abroad to an international school (sometimes their own kids) and pay for it, they'll do charity, they talk to members and network like "hey, Bill, I need a lawyer to write up my contract for the purchase of a business can you do it?"