bit of a warning but this is a very sad, pathetic and hopeless post. If you're easily made sad you might wanna sit this one out.

avpd is my own personal hell. Its destroying/destroyed my life. I have 2 "friends" I hardly talk to. Dropped out of college. No real prospects. I was born privileged and have just wasted it. I'm a failure. A husk of a person. I've never been on a single date. I'm just sitting here spinning my wheels. And the wheels aren't really spinning anymore. I'm so desperately lonely, but I just... can't. I don't even know how I'd meet people, if I could step out. I'm so lonely, and sad and FUCK being a social creature. What a cruel joke. A social creature that has a fucking personality disorder so they avoid socializing. WHAT THE FUCK. And this shit's permanent. Its who I am. Sure I can "cope" better but I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING COPE I WANT TO BE NORMAL WTF. I WANT TO BE LOVED AND LOVE PEOPLE AND I JUST CAN'T. ITS TOO DAMN HARD.


I just wish I could die. I can't take this. I'm such a waste. Being alive is too painful as an anti social, social being.

  • JohnBrownNote [comrade/them, des/pair]
    5 months ago

    don't worry about waste, most of life in neoliberal capitalism is a waste. fuck you gonna do, work your ass off to put money in some empty suit's pocket so he can buy another ivory back-scratcher and spend half of the pittance he pays you to be extorted by some leech just to have shelter?

    and fuck normal too, "normal" people made this shithole. anybody who ever tried to improve things somewhat had to fight tooth and claw through a reactionary army of "normal" to do it.

    there's no immediate solution to alienation, the only advice people ever have is to go out and deliberately get hurt over and over again. I can't do it and i won't tell you to either.

    • BountifulEggnog [they/them]
      5 months ago

      fuck you gonna do, work your ass off

      Work a job that can support me cri find a SO who loves me cri those things seem quite nice thonk-cri

      meow-hug Thank you for your words of support

      • the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]
        5 months ago

        What kind of work would you like to do?

        Though my specifics are different, I relate very much to the way you feel, and this has been something I've been wrestling to get my head and heart around for a while: maybe one of the worst things in the world is how mental health struggles can convince some of the most caring and wonderful people, like you and and I guess maybe even me, that they're unlovable or failing at life.

        I think maybe your heart is a better measure of your worth than your accomplishments as a person struggling with disability in this hellscape. Just surviving is a big deal, and somehow managing to not let all the terribleness in the world and in your life turn you into a selfish, bitter husk is pretty amazing. ❤️


        • JohnBrownNote [comrade/them, des/pair]
          5 months ago

          What kind of work would you like to do?

          not OP but i haven't found anything that doesn't make me hate being alive after a few weeks.

          • the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]
            5 months ago

            honestly, same - self-employed rn but even this sucks ass because idk how to balance things and just end up hyperfocusing until I burn out, then rinse and repeat

  • FourteenEyes [he/him]
    5 months ago

    Hey, I feel like I'm in the same boat as you, but because of my ADHD, undiagnosed autism, and severe, severe depression that I often forget to factor into assessments of my life. I am pretty miserable myself and have a very difficult time making friends because I'm chronically stressed, far away from opportunities to socialize, and short on prospects. So you're not alone in this. Another thing I've learned is that further harming myself with feeling ashamed of all of this shit just makes no goddamn sense and I've been working very hard on being kinder to myself, and forgive my mistakes, and stop allowing despair to overtake me.

    And you absolutely can be loved and love others, you've just got more barriers to it. But it's not a death sentence for your soul. I promise you you can find friends and that your life can improve. I've enjoyed your posts and get a powerful vibe of wholesomeness and compassion from you. I'm sorry you're going through such a rough time. You deserve better. We all do.

    meow-hug meow-hug meow-hug meow-hug meow-hug meow-hug

    • BountifulEggnog [they/them]
      5 months ago

      Thank you :meow-hug: :meow-hug: I really do need to be nicer to myself.

      That really touched me. I'm glad you see that. Thank you again.

  • AernaLingus [any]
    5 months ago

    My therapist actually just floated the possibility that I have AvPD in our last session, and while I haven't been formally diagnosed, it fits like a glove and would explain a lot. Without getting into too many details, I'm in a pretty similar situation to you. In my case, I had a fairly normal childhood--didn't deal with it until I suffered through years of severe untreated depression as a teen--and while I don't honestly believe I'll ever get back to my original level of functioning, I still think I can find happiness even if it'll look a lot different than I once imagined. I'm also down to basically two friends (my childhood best friend and his partner) who I will maybe exchange messages with a few times a month if I'm not in the midst of a months-long ghosting spell. It's important to acknowledge small victories (e.g. I used to basically never answer the phone up until a few years ago, and now I almost never let friends and family go to voicemail).

    I can definitely empathize with feeling like a leech or a waste--it's a constant battle for me. I think leftist politics have helped me a lot with this, actually, since I realized that a lot of the people I know who get a lot of praise and are supposedly "successful" and "productive" are actively making the world a worse place: investment bankers, management consultants, insurance executives, corporate lawyers, defense contractors, etc.. I at least can take some solace in knowing that I do make a small but positive difference in my tiny sphere of influence and don't leave much of an impact otherwise. Shifting perspectives can be helpful: if you imagine yourself as a friend with the same disability, would you berate them or call them a waste?

    My focus right now is to try to find joy in my interests and work on basic personal care to improve my quality of life. Progress can seem glacial, but the process of learning an instrument and understanding & making music has brought some meaning back to my life and given me something to value about myself besides fitting into a societal mold. I know this isn't accessible to everyone, but I've also found group therapy to be helpful, since I can talk with peers who are also going through the same struggles. It's nice because I can be a mentor to some of the younger folks, get some social contact with people who aren't going to judge me, and remind myself that there are other people in this world who care about me.

    And yeah, I want to acknowledge how twisted it is to want to form deep bonds with people while being pathologically terrified of the same and doing everything to prevent that from actually happening. Like, with my childhood best friend, there have been multiple times where I've actively hoped that this time would be the last straw so he would finally give up on me and be rid of this nuisance in his life. How fucked up is that? Thanks brain, very cool!

    Sorry, I feel like this took on a bit of a lecturing tone which wasn't my original intention. I just want to remind you that no matter what messages you may get from our fucked-up society, you have intrinsic value as a person and your disorder is not your fault.

    • BountifulEggnog [they/them]
      5 months ago

      yea that does sound a lot like me.

      Progress is so slow! It feels like I'm getting worse sometimes.

      It didn't feel that way at all to me, I really appreciate it.