A number of counterattacks by the Ukrainians, in some cases using reserve forces, have taken place along the line of contact. While reports are not yet
I expect it's going to be more nuanced than that. The age of big tank armies rolling across the fields is certainly over, but tanks continue to be used. It's also worth noting that current generation of tanks was not designed with drones in mind, but Russia is already doing things like adding cages over them and using EW to jam the signal. What's most likely to happen is that the role of the tank will change.
The age of tanks are long over. Ukraine shows that drones are the new Blitzkrieg weapons.
I expect it's going to be more nuanced than that. The age of big tank armies rolling across the fields is certainly over, but tanks continue to be used. It's also worth noting that current generation of tanks was not designed with drones in mind, but Russia is already doing things like adding cages over them and using EW to jam the signal. What's most likely to happen is that the role of the tank will change.
Dont tell the wehraboos