Curious if there are any resources about this.

  • Vncredleader [he/him]
    2 years ago

    he is a socdem who based himself on anti-communist fascist enablers, and openly is glad the KPD didn't come to power in Weimar Germany. He can go fuck himself. There were former nazis in gov positions, though mostly because a lot of officials with experience in the 50s where. Look to the Kasernierte Volkspolizei in the pre-DDR era. They form as Bereitschaftspolizei (alert police) right away and are German POWs the Soviets used for basic policing. By the end of the year they become larger and much more controlled. By '52 the organization was nearly a hundred thousand and was becoming more of a proper defense force with stricter ideology and more suitable membership than the bottom of the barrel. '56 they become part of the NVA.

    Later a new Volkspolizei-Bereitschaften paramilitary force for internal policing is formed.

    In 1949 they had been purged, literally anyone who had been in the Wehrmacht and POWs of any allied countries, anyone who had fled to the DDR from German settlements in occupied Poland, and those with family in the west. After the 1953 uprising the government purged 12,000 members as well due to the unpopularity of the SED at the time, they felt a new direction was needed. Probably why they went with a more paramilitary approach later

    The NVA had former fascists as well, because of course it would, however they were largely kept on a short leash, with political control being entirely in the hands of those thrown in concentration camps and those who had fled to the USSR before the war. The DDR had a party for former Wehrmacht the NDPD which was a thing to give an outlet to the people who made up the base for fascists to build upon, disgruntled veterans and the like.

    So Three Himmlers here is saying that a small controlled party of former wehrmacht is in the same league or even relevant to mention compared to literal SS members and Hitler's inner circle leading the POLICY of the FRD. Because again, he literally would rather the the SPD have stayed in power than the communists, he was an amount of fascist policy and action he is willing to condone as to maintain "democracy"

    Guy is a well read shit-lib, social fascist as Stalin would say. You dont need to heed his bullshit, it is coming from a place of bad faith and rehabilitation of nazis and their enablers. A regular centrist. Ask yourself why he is so concerned to stress this point? Why he mentally NEEDS to treat it as a spectrum and not two fundamentally different nations and societies. Dan Three Swastikas is a lib and super fucking rude to downright racist to Luna Oi

    • BeamBrain [he/him]
      2 years ago

      openly is glad the KPD didn’t come to power in Weimar Germany

      Liberals hate socialists more than they hate fascists, same as it ever was

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        2 years ago

        I'm increasing convinced that the first and most important litmus test in politics is "do you believe private property should be allowed?" No? Okay, maybe you've got legitimate politics. Yes? Fascist, by short roads or long.

      • Vncredleader [he/him]
        2 years ago

        This was part of the "OMG owning a small section of a farm is capitalism, lol fake commie tankie" shit

        he seems to have deleted his initial post but not the super condescending reply when she called him out on being so wrong that wikipedia can debunk him. He treated her like a child

        As someone said in the replies

        Dan is just reminding us what that 3rd arrow stands for.

        Like I said, social fascist

            • barrbaric [he/him]
              2 years ago

              He could also be referring to their waistline, as many formerly living in extreme poverty are now able to eat a proper amount of food!

    • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
      2 years ago

      So Three Himmlers here is saying that a small controlled party of former wehrmacht is in the same league or even relevant to mention compared to literal SS members and Hitler’s inner circle leading the POLICY of the FRD.

      Source for a list of them?

      Not to doubt but ✍️

      • Vncredleader [he/him]
        2 years ago

        To what? The SS members?

        FRD Chancellor Adenuer said of the SS

        The men of the Waffen-SS were soldiers like everybody else ... try to explain to other countries that the Waffen-SS had no connections with the Sicherheitsdienst and Gestapo! Try to explain to people that the Waffen-SS has not shot any Jews, but instead was a formation of soldiers that was most feared by the Soviets.

        They were allowed to form a secret army the Schnez-Truppe which German intelligence gave approval to kill communists in case of civil war, though not much else is known though many members became NATO leaders.

        Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger was a Nazi party member along with 24 other cabinet members. Richard Jaeger was Justice Minister and had been a member of the SA.

        Half the justice ministry were Nazis for 2 decades, including some particular monster. Men who had the ability to give out death sentences had deported Jews in Greece for instance. Your life could be decided by these fuckers, "justice" was handled by actual fascists.

        Die Linke revealed a list of government officials who had been Nazi party members.

        I know it is wikipedia but its a good paragraph

        Several amnesty laws were also passed which affected an estimated 792,176 people. Those pardoned included people with six-month sentences, 35,000 people with sentences of up to one year and include more than 3,000 functionaries of the SA, the SS, and the Nazi Party who participated in dragging victims to jails and camps; 20,000 other Nazis sentenced for "deeds against life" (presumably murder); 30,000 sentenced for causing bodily injury, and 5,200 who committed "crimes and misdemeanors in office".[102] As a result, many people with a former Nazi past ended up again in the political apparatus of West Germany. In 1957, 77% of the German Ministry of Justice's senior officials were former Nazi Party members

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    2 years ago

    This is on the same level as pointing out that the Soviets brought on (forcibly) a bunch of German engineers to work in the Soviet aerospace industry. It's true that many of those Germans had worked for the Nazis making weapons and so on, but the leader of the Soviet space program was a Soviet citizen and not one of the former Nazis. Communists dealt with former Nazis practically, seeing the work as a form of reparations, then paid them a wage and sent them back after a couple of years - Capitalists put the former Nazis into high ranking positions, whitewashed their crimes during the war, and built them up as celebrities in propaganda footage.

    • TBooneChickens [any]
      2 years ago

      Communists dealt with former Nazis practically

      If the former Nazis were able to achieve more in positions of leadership and the whitewashing prevented Nazi ideology from being advanced by these indivuals or on their behalf, wouldn't that also be a practical way of dealing with them?

      • ssjmarx [he/him]
        2 years ago

        You could call that practical only if your goal was to advance fascist praxis while telling everyone else that it's not actually fascistic.

  • CliffordBigRedDog [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Ah so they should have killed every German male above the age of 21 instead?

    That sounds awfully tankie-like


  • panopticon [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    If the best Three Aryans can do is to point out a handful of officials then it seems to be the exception that proves the rule norm under discussion

    • Ligma_Male [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      that's not what "exception proves a rule" means. that's for when you can infer a rule from an exception and dannn's tweets don't really tell us anything about anything else

      • panopticon [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        My bad, what would you call it?

        Edit: I edited my comment, what do you think? I actually started to second guess my word choice right after I posted so I'm curious what you would write instead.

        • Ligma_Male [comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          uh i dunno, i guess i'd say that only pointing out one guy undermines the argument he's trying to make (about leadership?) but then he also claims:

          And the military wasn't the only place where ex-nazis had no trouble filling in. According to the work of historian Jan Foitzek in 1954, 27% of all SED members were formerly members of the Nazi Party. Even higher is the number of civil servants approx. 32% 5/9

          which is potentially a better argument but is, for me, contextless because i've never heard of Foitzek and I don't know what "members" means here or if being a member of the SED and of the nazi party means the same thing, if you're still a former nazi if you quit after the night of long knives, what a civil servant is etc.

          i don't have the full comments open but somebody in here made a point about von braun being in charge of shit and the soviet program being run by a soviet and that's a great point. I probably care less about the kind of former nazi who is a county clerk than i do about the kind of former nazi who is founding NATO.

          • Vncredleader [he/him]
            2 years ago

            SED literally includes the NDPD I mentioned in my comment, a party that was explicitly former wehrmacht with the purpose of containing them. As always Three Seig Heils must make sure things exist in a vacuum devoid of materialism

  • Des [she/her, they/them]
    2 years ago

    since i know one of those arrows is pointed at me like a loaded gun all i can say is fuck dan arrows eat my ass i can't believe i used to watch his shit in my bernie days.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2 years ago

      The key difference is that the fourth Reich was run by Nazis, while the GDR had Nazis in government who were watched over and controlled by communists.

    • TBooneChickens [any]
      2 years ago

      I think what Three Arrows intended from this thread, which I think he says in tweet 8 or 9, is that using the phrase "East Germany denazified" to imply that they got rid of all the Nazis is not only wrong, but dangerous.

        • Vncredleader [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Yeah the idea that he just means they didn't completely get rid of them is painfully naïve and giving him way too much credit. He is peddling in apologia, as always, and it just so happens to fit his "we cannot do better than liberal social fascism folks, to bad" world view.

          Even the cases he brings up are still more or less denazification, they lost political power and had to repent. Some should've been forced to repent further or kept away from any positions, but that is a world of difference. Take the example of Paulus, the USSR captured him and used him for the National Committee for a Free Germany which made transitioning to a government in occupied territory much much easier. That was effectively denazifying by using a nazi military leader to their advantage. If he even actually changed his views or not is irrelevant

  • GenderIsOpSec [she/her]
    2 years ago

    i've got some arrows for three stooges over here. he can:

    ↘️ eat my ass

    ⬇️ suck my gock

    ↙️ go fuck himself


  • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Being against monarchism, fascism and communism is like being against cholera, typhus and antibiotics

  • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I think there is a qualitative difference to former nazis living in Germany and former nazis imported to America. In the later case their goals were to use nazi principles to oppose the German people. So I don't think he really did the math on this one. Cause unless you wanted to do some pretty wild purges I dunno how you could remove all those Germans from Germany