Some horrible tragedy is in the news, and in the comments someone's aunt goes
How terrible! I pray the victims' souls find peace in Heaven 🙏
Suddenly, atheist guy
You DELUDED FOOL, souls do not exist and there is no God or the afterlife. Try using more logic
Is that relevant to what I said? I'm talking about how shouting at someone doing something you disagree with when they are coping with something and it isn't materially or socially hurting you, is just being an ass.
The validation of Christian beliefs in general does materially hurt me and people I care about.
Is someone expressing belief the same as that belief being validated?
In this case, yes. It normalizes adults believing in magic, a belief that’s frequently used to justify harming people like me and those I care about.
I want saying you believe in God to be socially unacceptable. If you reveal it in normal company, you should be laughed out of the room and called a child. It should be looked at like an adult saying they believe in Santa Claus, and also Santa is homophobic.
The fact that it’s considered normal and okay for adults to believe in magic means you have to take seriously the evil conclusions they come to as a result of those beliefs.
Bigotry, or whatever other threat you face from certain religous people, is not a resukt of religion and exists outside of it. You have no useful perspective on this matter and I will not speak with you on it further.