Since certain individuals are allowed to openly attack communist parties whenever they want and not get banned for it, especially today when they make a post accusing an entire party of being antisemitic because they maliciously misinterpret a twitter boomer's posts about biden's puppet Zelensky the cocaine sniffing hot-air balloon that'd fit in better on the stage of the Grammys than on the stage with world leaders, let's follow their shining example and tear back the curtains on other parties as well. Every time they post a superficial attack of a communist party, so will I.

Obviously the mods aren't biased enough to remove this while letting the terminally online social chauvinists get off without even a warning like usual, right?


The initial internal criticism of the PSL’s public statement on the sexual assault in the Philadelphia branch.

Following three hours of emotional appeals by the Central Committee, circular rhetoric which refused to engage the document’s criticisms, browbeating and baseless accusations of racism (including PSL presidential candidate Gloria La Riva yelling that a trans woman referring to her as a cis woman was a manifestation of racism), the endorsers on the call tendered their resignations. Due to this treatment, we no longer feel compelled to keep these criticisms internal, as it has become obvious that Party leadership at both local and national levels rejects any criticism from below—an unscientific and undemocratic dogma that will only harm the Party.


The first of the deeper issues is the statement’s ableism, reflecting ableism more broadly in the Philly Steering Committee’s handling of the case and a lack of attention to disability issues in certain sectors of the PSL. The members of the Central Committee are not so politically underdeveloped as to be explicitly bigoted in their handling of mental illness, and one must therefore be aware of indicators—but a subtle undercurrent remains throughout the statement. Griselda's behavior is repeatedly portrayed as extreme and bizarre, without any disclosure of the Party's knowledge of her bipolar disorder. This is addressed both by Griselda herself repeatedly on Twitter and in her own public statement, and by Dakota in his resignation statement. The best reading of this use of the stigma associated with symptoms of mental illness is that it was an unconscious bias, while the worst is that it was a cynical and deliberate tactic. This author chooses to believe the first interpretation and pleads with the authors of the Central Committee statement to consider why they went out of their way to play up the “hysterical woman” stereotype in their portrayal of a woman who is quite open about living with bipolar disorder. The Philly Steering Committee handled this in an ableist manner by scrutinizing all of Griselda's statements for their veracity, except for threats to call law enforcement made during an acute episode, which they took at face value (as Dakota describes in his letter).


Most observers would understand this added context as an example of "date rape." Date rape is an instance of sexual assault or coercion wherein tactics such as repeated badgering and pleading are used as psychological attrition by a perpetrator against a victim who they have some type of intimate relationship with. This particular form of sexual abuse has been recognized in mainstream media since the late 1980s. That just over a dozen women in the PSL would be willing to sign their first names and last initials (while Griselda is fully named) on to a statement that asserts, in context, that date rape isn't real, is concerning enough—never mind that many of those women are branch Steering Committee and Central Committee members.

This shows a serious deficiency in understanding patriarchy, misogyny, and women's oppression—a deficiency which decimates the PSL’s credibility as a source of serious analysis when it publishes a supposedly feminist magazine whose editors unanimously signed on to this abysmal statement in defense of a single white man.

  • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    the document

    is there a single american party that isn't complete shit?

    your screed

    this is the most terminally online thing i've ever seen

  • MaoistLandlord [he/him]
    1 year ago

    :jesse-wtf: is this about people being against the “patriotic communist” protests a few weeks ago with literal atom waffen members present?

    • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
      1 year ago

      No I think this one actually is about someone posting a PCUSA twitter account with 2 likes or something that decided to post political cartoons that gave Zelensky some features that were more than a little sus.

      And then said that PCUSA is going antisemitic in the post title I guess, the post has like 3 replies and idk how many likes cause I didnt care.

    • Spirit_of_Zpostig [they/them]
      1 year ago

      You mean the protest where they were talking about organizing state campaigns to stop the American government from deploying their state national guards into war zones?

      You clowns don't even know what the hell happened there outside of Twitter grievance posts

      • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        So that's a yes on the Atomwaffen? I hope you don't actually:

        -Believe the fascists when they say they want to end the war

        -Expect communists to believe fascists when they say the want to end the war

        They don't want peace, they just think the war should be at home. They just want to start the killing of leftists, liberals, poc and queer people over here. There is absolutely zero potential for an alliance with these bloodthirsty ghouls and any casual student of history should know that.

        • Spirit_of_Zpostig [they/them]
          1 year ago

          So you're saying it's bad to stop the deployment of national guard troops to war zones and the left should definitely fight against any movement that tries to interrupt the American war machine

          • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
            1 year ago

            So you’re saying it’s bad to stop the deployment of national guard troop

            They're saying of course fascists don't actually want this, so of course you shouldn't believe those fascists even if they say they do.

  • RikerDaxism [it/its]
    1 year ago

    Wow, this seems really bad, and also geez, maybe shouldn't have petty posting involved with discussing it

    • Spirit_of_Zpostig [they/them]
      1 year ago

      As far as I am concerned it is open season to drag skeletons out of the closet with pandora's jar being smashed against the ground. Nobody's exempt from criticism.

      • RikerDaxism [it/its]
        1 year ago

        Okay, that's the problem. You're using violence against women pretty nakedly mercenarily. This is some insensitive debatebro shit.

        • Spirit_of_Zpostig [they/them]
          1 year ago

          I'm only following the precedent set by certain users who disguise their petty grievances over being called out for their social chauvinist tendencies under a veil of concern trolling, just without the mask of hypocrisy.

      • Grimble [he/him,they/them]
        1 year ago

        Why? Simple question. Do you think this is helpful to the wider left or the victims involved here? That should be the only reason you're posting this. If you don't want to be accused of having an agenda stop hinting at it constantly.

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    1 year ago

    Sorry that they called your favourite posters antisemitic for posting cartoons where a jewish guy has a comically large nose and its definitely just coincidentally a cocaine reference and nothing else.

    Edit: Sorry, a comically large nose AND weird big protruding puffy lips that dont actually match his lips being noteworthy irl in any way.

    Maybe you should have argued this on that actual post as well, which seems to have like 3 replies in it and no one caring that much.

  • HornyOnMain
    1 year ago

    let’s follow their shining example and tear back the curtains on other parties as well. Every time they post a superficial attack of a communist party, so will I.

    Obviously the mods aren’t biased enough to remove this while letting the terminally online social chauvinists get off without even a warning like usual, right?



    • Grimble [he/him,they/them]
      1 year ago

      This guy definitely cares about sexual assault and keeping activism safe, guys! Couldn't be anything else going on here, no way!

  • Grimble [he/him,they/them]
    1 year ago

    I think this should be discussed and dealt with in a completely different setting, between members of this local chapter and anyone affected. Nothing should be publicized or "leaked" until this case is more stable and its down to a local scale rather than affecting the entire org.

    ..and i hope that whoever gets excited or smug about it like OP goes into a private room and beats themselves over the head with something heavy until they forget the names of everyone involved. Never make this kind of post again.

    • RikerDaxism [it/its]
      1 year ago

      I think this should be discussed and dealt with in a completely different setting, between members of this local chapter and anyone affected. Nothing should be publicized or “leaked” until this case is more stable and its down to a local scale rather than affecting the entire org.

      The problem with that is that is that you can't really control the info or you cant control the info without doing some really regressive coverup shit which materially benefits the abuser and harms the victims.

      …and i hope that whoever gets excited about it like OP goes into a private room and beats themselves over the head with something heavy until they forget the names of everyone involved. Never make this kind of post for the rest of your grass touching life.
