jfc, she can't even quit in a succinct manner lol. that thread is longer than bari weiss's retirement letter
can someone hit me with the cliffnotes?
She says a bunch of shit but the take away i got was that she's tired of her dm's and replies getting filled with people telling her to go outside, calling her fat, and apparently threatening her. She's claiming that she's going to drop the chapo, trueanon, red scare posting and leave that work to other people.
she’s tired of her dm’s and replies getting filled with people telling her to go outside, calling her fat, and apparently threatening her.
threats and calling her fat are obviously bad, but i bet the vast vast majority are just people telling her to log off and go outside. and that's both funny and true.
i kinda feel bad gawking and laughing at her, cuz there's gotta be more going on here. and if that's the case, i really hope she gets the help she needs.
Many of the guys haranguing libs on Twitter are utter troglodytes, though- basically undistinguishable from 4channers or Kiwifarms users and would probably get banned on the old sub and here for the language they use
I guess you can't control what sort of people show up flying your flag on a platform like Twitter. Still infuriating, though
Yeah the bullying and threats are fucked up. Most of what i saw was people telling her to log off though. She really could use a break from social media. A lot of people could, myself included.
Yeah. Lately she's been drawing a line between "grill pilled" and frenworld or something. Really bizarre
Did we ever find out if she was actually mentally ill, or an intentional wrecker, or some new type of terminally online?
Keeping tabs and researching the far right is good work that needs to be done by someone. I wish she would just stick to that.
consuming too much adderall and memes
Adderall rules, but it can fuck you up!
It does seem like it's a terminally online brain issue. She's drawing a lot of conclusions from very flimsy connections. Like to believe that leftists are talking about Honkler and/or frenworld you'd have to forget that "you're a clown" is a very common insult offline. Like I know people were telling her to log off because she's annoying, but she unironically needs to log off for a while.
there is a chan to fash pipeline - but, sometimes it goes a little wonky and you log off the chans and end up here.....
All I've seen is that she doesn't log off. I think someone found her name in some Hillary emails leak, but it was a pretty weak connection. I still wouldn't be surprised if she was a fed trying to divide the left.
Damn, rip to a real one, she was this close to exposing the evil TrueAnon-Chapo cabal, if only she could just do one more unhinged 100 tweet thread
most other leftists don’t have the courage or strength to name what is going on and address it.
I have the courage, we need to talk about mental illness.
Even her going after brace for that old picture is disconnected from reality. Yeah it's gross, but he was young and on drugs. Everyone makes mistakes and he's a better person today. It's like she's constructed these weird images of people exclusively through Twitter and indirect sources like old news articles and never listened to them actually speak. Then she projects that image onto us. It is frustrating.
There was a good blog post that someone wrote about this mindset:
I’m starting to think that the left has two nearly irreconcilable worldviews, and that this rift is causing incalculable upheaval in leftist communities. I will call these two views Contagion and Conversion.
I am a Conversion Leftist. I believe that the future of humanity depends on humanity doing better. I want a broad left movement that includes reformed criminals, Nazis, racists, former white supremacists etc. To me, a reformed Nazi is a triumph, because that means that Nazi won’t be able to hurt people in the way they used to. To me, a formerly homophobic pastor realizing they are wrong is a triumph, because it means the vulnerable gay kids in his church will be less abused.
Because I’m a Conversion Leftist, I celebrate any occasion when someone changes their mind in favor of leftism, regardless of how toxic their former beliefs.
And then there is the Contagion left. The Contagion Left seems to see fascism, nationalism and Nazism as a spiritual quality which can infect a person with secret inner evil. Come into close contact with a fascist, or follow someone undesirable on twitter, and you are now a carrier of untraceable but undeniable evil.
I think Gwen follows the latter. If you have had any contact with the far right, you are infected and need to be shunned and removed.
Feel free to post it - to be honest it was shared with my by a friend of mine, so it's just me having really good memory to recall it
Nazis are bad. Being mean to me, Gwen Snyder, is also bad. Therefore, anyone and everyone who is mean to me must be a Nazi.
Oh, what's that? You say I can't just run around calling people Nazis for no reason? You sound like a Nazi.
TrueAnon associates with child rape legalization advocates.
Wait wtf? I've never actually listened to TrueAnon but this seems like the exact opposite of something they'd do. Also, did Chapo really have Taibbi on recently? (I gather he's been supportive of that stupid Harper's letter about "cancel culture.")
Yeah exactly. Any idea what the hell this is supposedly referring to?
did Chapo really have Taibbi on recently
There goes the fastest blocking trigger finger in the East. RIP to a real one.
Without her, how will we know who the cool kids are?
Who else is going to do 100 tweet rants about how this thing is bad?
I guess she's just mad that the only people who paid her any attention did it out of a mocking tone.
Anyone who hides their life in a blue ass city and calls themselves the ultimate epic organizer is kind of a coward or is at least playing leftism on easy mode. Almost anybody can corral America's metropolitan lefties. Let's see ya hit up the suburbs where the real zeitgeist happens.