I changed the title. I removed this "Examples: Major reason - hunting: 18%." I thought that was nonsense and it turned out I was wrong. Oh, well.
I changed the title. I removed this "Examples: Major reason - hunting: 18%." I thought that was nonsense and it turned out I was wrong. Oh, well.
I think there's an important question that nobody ever asks about the "in case society breaks down" aspect. I'm curious about the numbers involved in each group
One group sees the breakdown as a reason for self-defense that wouldn't be necessary in day to day life. The desire to protect yourself and those you care about from dominionists or neonazi psychos, as opposed to feeling unsafe going into Walmart without a gun.
The other group is the dominionists and neonazi psychos who want to terrorize people when law and order breaks down.
That's a very good point.
i mean yeah, during katrina white supremacists were lynching black people left and right. its reasonable to want a gun as a minority for that reason alone