“bUt TrUmP WiLL tUrN AmERicA fascist”

Don’t care, we’re already there anyway and the Democrats were the junior partners in making this place a fascist hellhole anyway.

I literally do not care what happens to this country anymore. We deserve sooo much worse than 9/11. If there’s a god then this country deserves divine judgement. Death - and I cannot emphasize this enough - to America.

I will vote for anyone who promises to stop American imperialism. But since that describes precisely no one in either of the two major parties, I guess I’m not voting for any of them then.

  • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
    10 months ago

    It worked for prolife evangelicals in the GOP, maybe we can turn the Dems if we're all staunch single issue anti-imperialists.


    Just kidding, the primary function of both parties is to serve imperialism so they'll never be turned from their current course by losing votes, but I'll still enjoy watch them cry about tankies bros or whatever