I'm pretty sure my dad drunkenly bought me a bonsai tree. But this was after several days and hours of discussions about my main issue of being unable to chip away at maintenance tasks, like work. Like this was my main concern: I CAN'T DO REGULAR MAINTENANCE. I AM INCAPABLE.

And a bonsai tree is literally the most antithetical gift I could possibly imagine because it needs intricate daily care and it lives forever. So...........

I'm just reeling tbh. I don't even want to confront him and I know he'll ask about it at some point, and I'll be like yeah it died 🤷‍♂️ and I'm just going to fixate on this forever jesus christ

What do?

  • goose [he/him]
    4 months ago

    I think this might have been given thoughtfully and with good intentions. ("I'll give him a bonsai tree; it'll a way to get a quick, low-stakes win every day.") But it clearly missed the mark. That's just the way gift-giving goes sometimes.*

    I'd thank him and either try the bonsai tree for a few days or dispose of it. Just don't keep it around for a long time out of a sense of obligation. The goal of giving a gift is to make the recipient happy, so if it doesn't make you happy, ditch it!

    * and why gift-giving is incredibly stressful ahahahaha I hate it so much