I'm pretty sure my dad drunkenly bought me a bonsai tree. But this was after several days and hours of discussions about my main issue of being unable to chip away at maintenance tasks, like work. Like this was my main concern: I CAN'T DO REGULAR MAINTENANCE. I AM INCAPABLE.

And a bonsai tree is literally the most antithetical gift I could possibly imagine because it needs intricate daily care and it lives forever. So...........

I'm just reeling tbh. I don't even want to confront him and I know he'll ask about it at some point, and I'll be like yeah it died 🤷‍♂️ and I'm just going to fixate on this forever jesus christ

What do?

  • Findom_DeLuise [she/her, they/them]
    4 months ago

    One of my Eight Thousand Quickly Forgotten Hobbies was a pair of those goofy MiracleGro Aerogardens. I kept one at the house and grew herbs in it, and had one at work that I used to try out growing gerbera daisies. The one at home quickly became a sprawling mess of thyme vines and giant mutant basil leaves and I pretty much abandoned it. The one at work became an object of hyperfixation every time I needed to procrastinate for a few minutes, and eventually started producing some really nice daisies. A coworker unloaded an African violet on me that she said she had never been able to get to flower -- apparently just repotting it, very slightly over-watering, and keeping it under the AeroGarden grow lights was all it needed. The daisies died off five years ago, but the violet is still going somewhat strong. I keep it in the room with all my musical instruments and gear, so popping down to water it every couple of days is usually a somewhat relaxing experience because that's normally one of the last rooms in my house where I can safely go to decompress.

    I guess what I'm saying is that one option is to not make caring for the plant a part of your normal routine, but you can set it up so that it coincides with otherwise desirable breaks from normal routine (as long as they are fairly regular -- sort of an unroutine). At least that's how my probably-AuDHD brain rationalizes all of this.