After all this I am not really bothered by juche gang posts, whether ironic or not, like damn. South Korea was just indefinitely worse than North Korea, it was like a fucking totalitarian state. It wasn’t until the 80s that the economic situation reversed. I mean I don’t think anyone should support the current regime but when you learn that more bombs were dropped on North Korea per capita than anywhere else in the world, ever, it becomes understandable why they’re seen as a backwards country with no development. The country was literally flattened by US bombing campaigns. And then you learn that Kim il sung gave rights to women while Rhee was murdering suspected communists by the thousands. The US was committing atrocities like No Gun Ri and yet in the common image America and South Korea are the good guys. I mean, fuck, I don’t think I can support the direction that Kim Jong un has taken North Korea in, but after learning this it solidifies my anti American views, there is officially no war after WW2 that America was justified in. I can’t believe that anti Korean War sentiment isn’t as high as anti Vietnam war, more people need to know about this

  • Nakoichi [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'd say the Civil War and WWII were the only justified actions of the US military.

    • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
      4 years ago

      The Union was justified in their nominal goal of crushing the Confederacy, but all they managed was ensuring the Confederate States remained loyal to the Union. The blood of three hundred thousand Union troops was spilled only for the southern planter aristocracy to have all of their land returned - in several occasions by forcefully reposessing it from freed slaves. A largely unmitigated insurgent campaign continued for a decade after the surrender at Appomattox, in which dozens of brutal pogroms were waged against the freed slaves. Roving gangs of ex-confederate militiamen and Ku Klux Klanners would kill freed slaves by the hundreds without facing any consequences.

      By the end of Reconstruction, African Americans had been more or less confined to a life of serfdom, while several ex-confederate generals and officials sat in Congress. The few who managed to establish independent enclaves like those in Tulsa were eventually dealt with as well.

      There are few fuck-ups in history which rival the gross mismanagement of Reconstruction.

    • gayhobbes [he/him]
      4 years ago

      And yet America still managed to commit unconscionable atrocities in WW2, and in the Civil War managed to fuck up actually liberating slaves in the US. We've fucked up our only good wars.

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yeah, the only 'good' parts of the Civil War are the parts where some Confederate slaver ponce got blasted off his horse by a minie ball fired by some immigrant Union rifleman. The rest was mostly dudes shitting themselves to death between battles.

        • gayhobbes [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Other highlights: Union clapping themselves on the back letting Black people fight...towards the end of the war, in their own segregated unit...that ended up being one of the most decorated.

    • Comraragi [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Participating in WW2 on the NOT NAZI SIDE is like a giving a star to a 5yo for managing to spell her name... The Japan nukes should not be downplayed, it is a consensus it wasn't even what caused them to surrender but rather it was just another factor secondary to the imminent USSR invasion. Nobody knows how many nukes the US would have dropped otherwise.

      Nevertheless 1940s average American's hate for Nazis because of the war is infinitely more based than anything we've ever seen before or since.

    • Owl [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I'd agree with that. Also note everything the US tried to do instead before those wars.

      The US will do the right thing when all other options have been exhausted.

    • EldritchMayo [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Very true. Maybe one could argue about the revolutionary war although America wasn’t as much of a formalized state and it was more of a militia.

      • Nakoichi [he/him]
        4 years ago

        And they also wanted to preserve slavery and expand the colonies to displace more of the indigenous people. Pretty sure only one person that signed the declaration wasn't a slaveowner.

        • gammison [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          There is an argument that there is a legitimate vision of freedom from the british empire in the revolution, but it's a freedom steeped in settler colonial categories, built in further exploitation and extermination of indigenous Americans, and creation of a new republic elite of which only the most radical figures of the period like William Manning and later Thomas Skidmore really opposed.

          • Nakoichi [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Burning down the white house was pretty cool. :sankara-salute:

            • EldritchMayo [he/him,comrade/them]
              4 years ago

              Yeah, we did some cool shit during the war. Ever heard of the siege of Detroit? Canadian forces under Isaac brock and indigenous forces under Tecumseh set up fortifications around Detroit. Then they marched around the fort in the day, switching coats inside out to appear like there were way more troops than there were. At night indigenous forces did war whoops to scare the Americans who were terrified of native Americans. Brock sent a letter to the general inside the fort saying if the fort was taken he wouldn’t be able to stop the native Americans from slaughtering them all. Of course it was completely a bluff. In the day as soon as the cannons started firing America surrendered. I always laugh about that because it’s fucking hilarious that Americans shit themselves at the prospect of having to fight native Americans, and surprisingly this story really happened. Of course our treatment of indigenous people following the war and up to today is still horrific, but for a brief period in 1812 the British, Canadians and native Americans teamed up and whooped America’s ass several times.