• Blarglefargle [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Alright story time!

    I live in a subarb of Michigan right outside Detroit, one of these vital communities of centrists and moderate republicans the dems are relying on desperatly to win the election. There has been ZERO presence of Biden or his supporters in the area. When Bernie dropped out as a favor to my friend who was one of the Bernie organizers I reached out to the local Biden head to offer to volunteer (didn't have any desire to, but gotta follow through with a favor) I was flat out told that they did not want me or anyone who had volunteered for Bernie working for them. I said fuck it and moved on with my life.

    About three weeks later I got a call from someone else working for the Biden campaign who didn't know that Hamtramck (the city Rashida's district is in) was different from Detroit and acted genuinly confused when I tried explaining that to her.

    I have several lib friends in the area that I use to work with who have volunteered and they have pretty much told me the exact same shit that the article reports. The focuss on republicans who would flip, the lack of any real leadership, a general lack of anyone knowing what the plan is.

    MEANWHILE the Trump campaign has set up a fucking campaign office in the main part of my town, and has been sending people out non stop to the ccommunity. I have NEVER seen a republican campaign office in this town in my entire life.

    TLDR: Can confirm article, Biden is fucked.

    • Poison_Ivy [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Meanwhile I'm getting constant emails and text messages IN CALIFORNIA from the Biden campaign reminding me to vote

      • Blarglefargle [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Ive been getting non stop emails begging me to donate. I have also got nothing but the same 3 Biden adds on youtube adds that have nothing on policy and are just "vote for me because not trump, i will hypothetically give you shit" The debates are gonna be distrous for him