Like, yeah I get that he died, but the fucker made his fortune exploiting mentally vulnerable lower-class people like a freak show. He was not a good person. His popularity caused the rise of entertainment that targeted real desperate poverty-stricken people and led to exploitative shows like Judge Judy, Dr Phil, and more. All shows that prey on less fortunate people. Those who can't afford Lawers or mental healthcare and are so desperate that they would risk being humiliated on international television.
Anyway RIP BOZO I'M GLAD YOU'RE DEAD. You were a pathetic vulture that ruined lives and spread classism and prejudice for an entire generation. Your only legacy was hate and the world would have been better off without you. Roast in hell.
He was quite practiced in the Clinton-style triangulation and other lib shit. He used it to do a lot of human zoo type shit, and other very exploitative stuff while acting like he was doing some white savior shit. The only novelty was showing America its own underbelly so up close and out in the open on day time tv.