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  • RedQuestionAsker2 [he/him, she/her]
    2 years ago

    I want a full pvp MMO so so bad, but I haven't found one that clicks (EVE: I'm not into space or spreadsheets. Darkfall: very clunky gameplay).

    To me, the draw to full pvp games is that there's always a dynamic conflict. I'd like players to be able to build their own cities with their guilds and fight over resources and conquest and stuff. I'm just not at all interested in the Disneyland tour of constantly escalating threats that is PvE gameplay. MMOs are social games. Let me both cooperate and come into conflict with other players in a way that is more significant than a closed battleground.

    Ganking can be fun. Even trying to avoid getting ganked can be fun. If it gets out of hand, it's obviously torturous. But the real intrigue to me comes when groups of players come into conflict. The most fun I had was when my guild had beef with another pvp guild.

    • UlyssesT
      3 months ago

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      • RedQuestionAsker2 [he/him, she/her]
        2 years ago

        I'm not too hung up on the whole everywhere all the time aspect.

        What I'm saying is I want to fight for something. I want to do something against other players to achieve something in the world.

        Some things have worked. For example, Ragnarok online had War of Emperium, which gave guilds fortresses. Once a week, PvP opened up and everyone would siege the fortresses. This was fine, but it was pretty contrived, and if your schedule didn't allow for the 2 hours of weekly pvp, then too bad. Final fantasy 11 also had an AWFUL scheduled PvP system that gave you're faction "control" over an area.

        These things feel really contrived and contained for me, and I don't get a real dynamic world feeling from it. I don't want to just grind in PvP zones and instances to raise my own pvp points either.

        So, if a dynamic player-driven conflict based world can be created without PvP everywhere, then that's great. I'm no purist, and I think protection from griefers is great. Otherwise, MMOs are just boring content treadmills with lackluster gameplay to me.

        • UlyssesT
          3 months ago

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          • RedQuestionAsker2 [he/him, she/her]
            2 years ago

            That sounds neat.

            Have you looked at Crowfall or Camelot: Unchained at all?

            They have some pretty interesting approaches to full pvp. In particular, Crowfall emphasizes resetting the resetting things in regular intervals like you describe.

            I think Camelot says players can build structures which is a huge seller for me.

            • UlyssesT
              3 months ago

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    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2 years ago

      You should check out Planetside 2. It's free to play, so you can get started with no buy in. It's a massive scale mmofps. Three factions fight for control of bases across large maps with the goal being to capture as much territory as possible.

      During peak hours you can usually find platoons (up to 48 players) that are working together in a coordinated way to achieve captures and defenses. Back in the day there was a lot of coordination between clans on the high level command channel, too, but idk if that's still the case. The game has infantry, armor, aircraft, giant flying aircraft carriers, siege tanks, base building, jet-pack infantry, and plenty of variety.

      I would say the critical thing is finding a teamwork oriented group that focuses on objectives to play with. I can't give much advice on that but if you end up playing with squad or platoon leaders you like add them to your friends list so you can join their platoons when they're on.