"we don't want to create an us-and-them mentality with management"

Hey, dipshit, it IS us versus them! WE didn't make it that way!

Fucking politically illiterate libs. Literally think the fucking company is a family.

  • robinn [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    If you are the one organizing a strike, a boycott, or whatever else, and have sufficient political education, it's your job to educate the workers and it's your fault when this was not done sufficiently. Of course they think the company is a family, this is shoved down their throat every day. The bourgeoisie, and especially the managing forces, have a direct interest in suppressing the proletariat, convincing them that they are working for a common goal, that they share common interests, while exploiting them to the utmost extent. To direct your anger at the workers for not understanding that this is incorrect is unprincipled childishness.

    • RedQuestionAsker2 [he/him, she/her]
      1 year ago

      What do you think I'm going to do next?

      Of course, I'm going to hit the drawing board again, continue the education, and reassert why we are doing this.

      But I'm annoyed and I'm venting. Am I allowed to have an emotional response during the process of struggle? Have you never met an organizer who has been annoyed?

      • Changeling [it/its]
        1 year ago

        You’re perfectly valid in being frustrated, comrade. Organizing is often frustrating and much of this frustrations comes from the uphill battles we face. I don’t think scolding you for this is any more appropriate than scolding your fellow workers for not having class consciousness.

        I will admit that from what you’ve shared here, it does seem like you went from your first contact to marching on your boss very quickly. But that’s a really common thing to do, honestly. Rarely successful, but when the moment strikes it feels like you need to capture it. I don’t wanna seem like I’m talking down to you because it seems like you’ve got a handle on what you need to do next. Just wanted to mention that in case it was constructive for you.

        Best of luck. Even if this push doesn’t succeed, you seem to have the right idea of just pushing forward. If you do end up getting retaliated against, most IWW branches are looking for salters at any given time

        • RedQuestionAsker2 [he/him, she/her]
          1 year ago

          Yeah, it goes a little deeper than what I shared. It's been building up informally for like a year. It was only formalized resistance in this month.

          You're right. The moment had to be seized. In fact, I believe it can't be postponed for more than a month or it will dissolve.

          This likely pushed me to make some mistakes.

          • Changeling [it/its]
            1 year ago

            It happens. It sounds like all in all you’re doing good work. Leading a push like this is just a ridiculous amount of work, especially in such a short time span

          • Changeling [it/its]
            1 year ago

            If you’re looking for work, you can contact your local IWW chapter and they may be able to direct you to businesses which are currently working on unionizing and you can apply to work there. Sometimes they have people who can give you a reference or recommendation to get you in the door and the expectation is that you would help organize while you’re training and whatnot. New recruits get a ton of information thrown at them and are allowed to ask dumb questions, so it’s very useful.