
  • UlyssesT
    2 months ago

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    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      2 years ago

      I’ve had coworkers in my past that liked that movie so much that they started “drifting” before parking their cars on the way to work

      Power sliding in the parking garage is certainly dumb. But I'll note they didn't quit their jobs to become professional car thieves.

      Again, proving a negative is a lot harder than my claim that there is some influence, intentional or not, that entertainment has on people.

      Incredible claims require incredible evidence. The relationship between Verhovan films and military enlistment is casual at best

      • UlyssesT
        2 months ago

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        • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
          2 years ago

          You’re willing to believe people power sliding into parking spaces but you’re not willing to believe impressionable young people don’t decide to enlist

          Yes. Because one is an trivial impulse decision and the other is a career choice five years minimum.

          I don’t think my claim is incredible

          I watched Hairy and the Hendersons once and now I think Bigfoot is real.

          • UlyssesT
            2 months ago

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            • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
              2 years ago

              You have seriously never met or been related to someone making bad impulsive decisions with minimal forethought to them that had years of consequences before?

              There is an abundance of demographic data that predicts which kinds of people are most likely to enlist. Social and economic precarity. History of family enlistment. Access to higher education. Regional geopolitics (ie, 9/11).

              I've yet to see a successful military recruitment drive that involved repeated screenings of Starship Troopers.

              That isn’t the same thing

              Its the same Culture War nonsense I've been seeing my entire life. Starship Troopers turned my daughter into a war criminal! Teletubbies made my son start wearing a purse! Showgirls turned me into a pole dancer!

              apparently UKIP believes in Bigfoot

              They are one of the worst-run parties in a country overflowing with dogshit politicians. It would not surprise me even slightly to find out half their leadership bought into some kind of Cryptid hoax.

              • UlyssesT
                2 months ago

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                • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
                  2 years ago

                  the Department of Defense is really wasting its time and surely never has gotten a single recruit through coercive messaging

                  The coercive messaging over the last 20 years has only gone up while recruitment has only gone down. There's definitely some value in the Pentagon reminding people that a career in the military exists. But if I had to guess how many people signed up to join the Navy after walking out of the the latest Top Gun versus how many joined the Navy because a recruiter showed up at their school and directly propositioned them, I'd consider a 1:100 spread generous on the side of direct recruitment.

                  You’re hyperbolizing what I said into something I never claimed.

                  Starship Troopers -> provoked me into joining the military -> So now I'm participating in war crimes...

                  Which step did I hyperbolize?

                  I’m supposing Reese’s Pieces didn’t sell a single additional bag of candy after E.T. was a hit.

                  Selecting a particular brand of candy to eat is not comparable to dedicating the next five years of your life to indentured servitude.

                  But you're right. We've definitely hit :wall-talk:

                  • UlyssesT
                    2 months ago

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