Paid family and medical leave.
Cannabis legalisation.
Free school lunches.
Protection for Uber drivers.
Codified Roe v Wade.
Funded lead pipe replacement.
Banned noncompete agreements and enacted paid sick leave.
Made it a trans refuge state.
Drivers licences as documentation for undocumented folks.
holy shit the list goes on.
The 2020 uprising happened when George Floyd was murdered in Minneapolis. Minneapolis is still very mobilized about a lot of local issues. The Nurses unions have been having yearly or bi yearly strikes over working conditions and patients safety in the hospitals for as long as I can remember. There's currently a fight brewing over re-building the burned down 3rd precinct. All the bullshit going on in the Dakotas and Iowa and Wisconsin is very immediate to most Minnesotans.
Lots of people are very angry and this is happening because of years and decades of organization. Plus Wisconsin is right across the border and the only thing Minnesotans love more than being self-righteous parochial shits about how great their state is, is being better than Wisconsin. That alone will motivate them to keep moving.
:geordi-no: Voting to rebuild the 3rd precinct
:geordi-yes: Voting to rebuild the 3rd precinct so we can burn it down again
I think since Dobbs the polical identity of Minnesota as a refugee state for the midwest has grown a lot stronger. That and Trump almost winning the state in 2016 was like a shot across the bow that freaked people out