I now hate pretty much everything I used to enjoy and the only things I still enjoy also make me more angry and frustrated. I blame John Stewart.
I now hate pretty much everything I used to enjoy and the only things I still enjoy also make me more angry and frustrated. I blame John Stewart.
Yeah I know. I kind of feel like that is a contradiction that is killing us, as you don't develop leftist politics if you don't have any empathy. So then seperating myself from my empathy in order to keep my sanity because of my politics kind of fucks with me. Does that make any sense at all?
Makes perfect sense. How this usually is with me I'm detached and stoic, outwardly at least, like 95% of the time, then when something really hits me I either cry or get really fucking mad and that's the 5%.
Usually there's like this sleeping volcano that I keep hidden because fuck if I let it blow up I might go and do bodily harm to a landlord or something. edit in GTA naturally
When I say detach, I mean in relation to trying to radicalize shitlibs or normies who don't follow politics. Libs and normies aren't really ready to hear that everything they know about the world is wrong, evil, exploitive, and going to kill us all. It's better to slowly radicalize these people.
You shouldn't ever cut yourself off from the empathy and love you have for your fellow human being, that's why we're all here.