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  • 90u9y8gb9t86vytv97g [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Good luck doing that on a phone. How old are you that you think this way?

    It is going to be made illegal to host TikTok servers in the US on November 12. Accessing it would require a VPN set up, and then eventually companies will stop hosting ads on TikTok, it may even be illegal to do so for a US company. TikTok will be unable to provide any new features or updates, users will bleed off and no new users will be able to join or download the app.

    View numbers and engagement for creators will drop sharply and then slowly bleed for the next year if TikTok does not close down by then.

    TikTok is suing the government and Trump's supreme court will uphold his decision to ban them. Eventually with 70% of their users being US, it will be unprofitable and impossible to maintain the service. Creators will leave and try to migrate their audiences, viewers will leave, and the app will die.

    "Who cares if everyone over 21 stops using it is what they’ll think."

    It does not matter if a 16 year old child "doesn't care" about older people leaving the app. They won't be able to access it, and if they go through every hoop to run a UK VPN on their phone to access it (less than 1% of people will do this), there won't be new content and they will stop viewing.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      4 years ago

      You're vastly underestimating kids ability to sideload and run jacked apps. They already fucking know how to do it because they're all continuing to run Fortnite on their Apple phones despite it being removed. Most kids I know already know how to run a free vpn.

      I really think you're strongly underestimating them. You're absolutely right about the profit driven creators dropping off, but I don't think they're just going to shut the app down, I think Tencent will accept running it at a loss for a few years to see how the situation evolves, they run tonnes of products at a loss. The alternative (reels) will obviously still blast off with users, for-profit content and take center stage but I think tiktok will keep ticking along. there'll be complete staff cutbacks in the US though, a shame as they were planning to expand to 10k US based employees before this kicked off.

      • 90u9y8gb9t86vytv97g [they/them]
        4 years ago

        Yes, 1% of the 100 million users might be able to do that, but if 1% are able to access the app (and those certainly aren't the creators doing it) then it will die.

        We can just wait and see in a month, but it's obvious what will happen if things go forward like they are set to.