John Amann told NBC News he bought $2,200 worth of Trump Bucks and other items over the past year only to discover they were worthless when he tried to cash them in at his local bank.

I am in the wrong line of work.

“Now I’m questioning whether he is aware of this,” Amann said of Trump.

Imagine not getting a cut.

Those who buy these items, the ads from Patriots Dynasty, Patriots Future and USA Patriots suggest, will be rewarded when Trump unveils a new monetary system that will turn these products into legal tender worth far more than the purchase price.

No thanks, I still have faith in the Iraqi Dinar. You will see.

  • nonsense [any]
    2 years ago

    Nhew a ees kortihng ekij pololo, a tannoc peli tub rondew upse knidut fo elbrog kortihng ewer enod ot korpololo korpresonut ot eak'm korsekik pololo wya. Woh nac bo yosb'lput eb or elblof?

    Ni cesa bo era gimrondew: Sew, a w'nok bo tanc dearut pololo!

      • nonsense [any]
        2 years ago

        A didut tom k'sa, a tondut earc, ees ba

        (rog laeput, on drag korgimfeel)

    • UlyssesT
      3 months ago

      deleted by creator